Articles #314

20 positive facts about different countries who will tell about something unknown and fascinating

20 positive facts about different countries who will tell about something unknown and fascinating
What would we do without facts, no matter how else we prove others that we are smarter and know what they do not even guess. And if seriously, the facts...

British "crown" already in Belarus?

British "crown" already in Belarus?
A new strain of Coronavirus has made a lot of noise: it spreads faster, and this is its main force. Is he more dangerous? Scientists...

White crow among varieties of dollar tree - Black Zamokulkas. Growing and flower care nuances

White crow among varieties of dollar tree - Black Zamokulkas. Growing and flower care nuances
Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) is one of a kind, found in Mozambique and Madagascar. This is a major herbaceous plant with shiny leaves....

History readers: "The husband brought me to the fact that I envy fruitless women and those who can not give birth"

History readers: "The husband brought me to the fact that I envy fruitless women and those who can not give birth"
The reader writes that from the very beginning of the relationship spoke to the future husband: she does not want children. However, the man was confident...

The second wave of Kovida has not yet kicked

The second wave of Kovida has not yet kicked
This column, the first after a three-week break, continues to observe the dynamics of the number of search queries with the word "smell". At the...

How to emphasize your bends

How to emphasize your bends
If you want your forms to be more noticeable, there are several selection techniques that will help you create the illusion of more elegant bends. You...

Unattended Android-Smartphone: What does it mean and what is different

Unattended Android-Smartphone: What does it mean and what is different
Recently it became known that Google plans to prohibit the use of the "Messages" application on unattended Android smartphones. Many perceived this news...

Archaeologists believe that they found the place of "Donskoye"

Archaeologists believe that they found the place of "Donskoye"
No number of spears who broke up for dozens of historians around the problems associated with the Kulikov battle. They broke out both around questions...

? 5 of the great directors who remove bad films last 10 years

? 5 of the great directors who remove bad films last 10 years
Once these directions were one of the most influential in world movies, but in the 21st century they are becoming more irrelevant, they lose inspiration...

Will the sanctions with Huavay

Will the sanctions with Huavay
This spring will be for two years, as Huawei lives under US sanctions. It is living, but not survivors, because during this time she released a few truly...

Towards space with Elite: Dangerous

Towards space with Elite: Dangerous
Towards space with Elite: Dangerous rice. oneIn the subject For a long time we did not write about this games like this! Elite: Dangerous is a multiplayer...

11 restaurants of Moscow, where they prepare delicious and interesting grilled dishes

11 restaurants of Moscow, where they prepare delicious and interesting grilled dishes
Blogger, Nutricistribologist and Restaurant Observer Ekaterina Maslova amounted to a list of 11 restaurants in Moscow, where it is worth going for original...

Two Nizhny Novgorod ballet soloist became deserved artists of the Russian Federation

Two Nizhny Novgorod ballet soloist became deserved artists of the Russian Federation
Two Nizhny Novgorod Solist Ballet Vasily Kozlov and Alexander Lysov became the well-deserved artists of the Russian Federation, Gleb Nov. Gleb Nikitin...

How to understand that the man is sent to you over: 5 explicit signs

How to understand that the man is sent to you over: 5 explicit signs
It is about to meet "that very" everybody without exception. However, in life paths, all of us come across a huge number of people. Some of them are presented...