Articles #287

Nine mythical creatures that scared and protected our ancestors

Nine mythical creatures that scared and protected our ancestors
Nine mythical creatures that scared and protected our ancestorsIn ancient times, mythology served as a tool, with which our ancestors tried to explain...

"The Devil Went Down to Georgia": why did the devil come to Georgia?

"The Devil Went Down to Georgia": why did the devil come to Georgia?
Disk Cover Fragment "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" Photo: YouTube.comThe gloomy criminal ballad called "That night the lights fledged in Georgia"...

Opportunities for complex innovation

Opportunities for complex innovation
Looking back, Adam says that innovation turned the worse part of his fields to the best. Fermer Schrers invested about 3,000 Australian dollars in...

Confucius on fame

Confucius on fame
# Tips_Mudretsov - Confucius on fame. The doctrine of Confucius is difficult to even call philosophy in the classical understanding of this word....

3 Conspirological theories that were true

3 Conspirological theories that were true
We have already written about why people tend to believe in reptiloids and other conspiracy, which is very often full of nonsense. But were in the history...

Spacex bought two drilling rigs for 3.5 million dollars. But why?

Spacex bought two drilling rigs for 3.5 million dollars. But why?
The deposits of oil and other minerals are sometimes located at the bottom of the seas and oceans. For their prey in the first half of the 20th century,...

Horner: At some point we will switch on the 2022th

Horner: At some point we will switch on the 2022th
In 2022, the Technical Regulation will change in Formula 1, but due to budget constraints, the team cannot in parallel to modernize the current machine...

"Gladiator is no longer one" - unrecognizable Russell Crowe played tennis with a 30-year-old beloved

"Gladiator is no longer one" - unrecognizable Russell Crowe played tennis with a 30-year-old beloved
Once the dream of all women of the planet does not pay attention to its own appearance Russell Crowe, Britney Terio, Story.hrYears ago, Russell Crowe...

How to make oatmeal cookies

How to make oatmeal cookies
Oatmeal is one of the most popular ingredients among people who love to prepare healthy dishes without prejudice to their taste. This is associated with...

New decisions in the field of information security over the past week (March 15-21)

New decisions in the field of information security over the past week (March 15-21)
We offer to familiarize yourself with a small overview of new cybersecurity solutions for the past week. The focus of the company: Akamai Technologies,...

How to make a card wish

How to make a card wish
Visualization is a powerful tool that can help achieve any goals. The story knows many examples of how the use of this reception contributed to someone's...

Because of what Benny Hill himself, and his show eliminated Margaret Thatcher

Because of what Benny Hill himself, and his show eliminated Margaret Thatcher
Well, it was ridiculous. All Childhood of the Benny Hill show was watching the TV6 Moscow channel. It is interesting to look at his sketches today, in...

Called useful techniques when driving on a car in the snowfall

Called useful techniques when driving on a car in the snowfall
Expert of the journal "Driving" Ilya Pimenov called the useful tricks by car in heavy snowfall. In winter, snow reasses or applications that can complicate...

"This is not about sex." What is chibari and why people want to experience the pain voluntarily

"This is not about sex." What is chibari and why people want to experience the pain voluntarily
Shibari appeared in Japan, when, due to political intrigues, the abduction of important persons was common in the country. For hostages not escaped, they...