Articles #286

Architects called the best buildings of Belarus, built in the last 30 years: What were chosen from Grodno?

Architects called the best buildings of Belarus, built in the last 30 years: What were chosen from Grodno?
The Belarusian Union of Architects called the best buildings built in the country for 30 years. All of them will fall into the collection of architectural...

The criteria of the object of agriculture were determined in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The criteria of the object of agriculture were determined in the Nizhny Novgorod region
On March 10, the Committee on Economics, Industry, the Development of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Tourism held a round table meeting dedicated to the...

"Smart" raspberry farm of Russian production presented in Dubai

"Smart" raspberry farm of Russian production presented in Dubai
Gulfood is the leading event of the food industry in the world and the region of the Persian Gulf and the Middle East. The exhibition is an important...

Transportation with a waterman to overclock the crowd plans to buy a police in Petropavlovsk - Media

Transportation with a waterman to overclock the crowd plans to buy a police in Petropavlovsk - Media
Transportation with a waterman to overclock the crowd plans to buy a police in Petropavlovsk - MediaPetropavlovsk. February 21. KazTAG - Transport...

Akimat involves the police to punish the firing spruce in the "Enlosenza" area in Almaty

Akimat involves the police to punish the firing spruce in the "Enlosenza" area in Almaty
Akimat involves the police to punish the firing spruce in the "Enlosenza" area in AlmatyAlmaty on January 15. KazTAG - Akimat involves the police to...

What psychological problems says a craving for cleaning

What psychological problems says a craving for cleaning
Sometimes cleaning becomes not just part of life, but absorbs all the thoughts of man, not allowing to relax and relax at home. Today we will tell you...

Artist with an iron cross: why investigators of the USSR tortured Hitler's bodyguard

Artist with an iron cross: why investigators of the USSR tortured Hitler's bodyguard
Like Günzhe, Mishe fled from the Hitler's bunker, but they grabbed Soviet soldiers.After the right, as Otto Gyhhnh died in 2003, journalists called...

3 places to stay in Turkey, which you did not know exactly

3 places to stay in Turkey, which you did not know exactly
Turkish Maldives: Lake Salda Kara /In the south of the country, in the province of Budour, there is a comparable beauty with a tropical...

Former citizens of Kazakhstan were forbidden to remove accumulations from ENPF after Asanov intervention

Former citizens of Kazakhstan were forbidden to remove accumulations from ENPF after Asanov intervention
Former citizens of Kazakhstan were forbidden to remove accumulations from ENPF after Asanov interventionAstana. February 22. KazTAG - two former citizens...

What is useful beet and what kind of healing dishes can be prepared from it?

What is useful beet and what kind of healing dishes can be prepared from it?
What is useful beet and what kind of healing dishes can be prepared from it? Photo: Depositphotos.One of the most popular root crusts from domestic...

The girl gave birth to a son at the age of 15 and gave for adoption, and after 35 years old, mother and son met

The girl gave birth to a son at the age of 15 and gave for adoption, and after 35 years old, mother and son met
Statistics say that more than 130 thousand children adopted in the United States, from which parents refused. Usually children will not know who their...

Dollar put the market on his knees

Dollar put the market on his knees
Fed accelerated sales market and bonds.If Donald Trump was on the site of the current head of the White House, he would immediately stick to Jero...

Large banks change the deposit rates again

Large banks change the deposit rates again
Large retail banks after a pause in January from February began to actively revise the line of retail deposits. The results are obtained different:...

What is better for chickens: home feed or bought feed

What is better for chickens: home feed or bought feed
Home and purchased feed have their pros and cons, so there are so many disputes around them. Recipes of feeds are developing specialists who understand...