Articles #283

Japaddi: Nice mix of two crops

Japaddi: Nice mix of two crops
A completely new direction is the association of two completely different cultures - Scandinavian and Japanese. Hence the funny name - Japandi (from Japan...

Ucsandiego created robots capable of recovering after breaks

Ucsandiego created robots capable of recovering after breaks
Developers spoke about the prospects for using such technology Employees of the University of California in San Diego created floating robots-fish,...

Unparent feat of the platoon of the lieutenant

Unparent feat of the platoon of the lieutenant
In February and March 1943, the Hitlermen involved the most powerful compounds under Kharkov: a motorized division of MOP "REYIX", "Leibstandart SS...

Will people ever travel through the wormholes?

Will people ever travel through the wormholes?
Two separate studies have recently been published, which offer new theories of constructing wormworms. Wormworms, better known as mobbo holes or a scientific...

9 ways to get rid of unwanted hair over the upper lip and chin

9 ways to get rid of unwanted hair over the upper lip and chin
The appearance of hair on a female face often talks about the presence of some problems with a hormonal background. Therefore, it is initially worth...

Another payment due to coronavirus: who wants to appoint additional pensions?

Another payment due to coronavirus: who wants to appoint additional pensions?
Deputies of "Fair Russia" sent a new bill to the government, which can give the right to retire another category of population. We are talking about...

9 recipes pancakes on the carnival, which will produce a furor, making it from you a real culinary

9 recipes pancakes on the carnival, which will produce a furor, making it from you a real culinary
Maslenitsa has already come, which means that the time the stove is pancakes and delight themselves and their family. But the bake pancakes, lubricating...

The German physicist has come up with how to travel faster light, without breaking the laws of nature

The German physicist has come up with how to travel faster light, without breaking the laws of nature
The German physicist has come up with how to travel faster light, without breaking the laws of natureAlmost any cosmic fiction in one form or another...

The effects of bullying remain for life

The effects of bullying remain for life
Cruel treatment in childhood can be viewed as a form of "captivity", long mockery when the child sees the ability to escape. Posted by: Shahid Arab...

Published new rules for car service

Published new rules for car service
Rospotrebnadzor has developed new rules for car services. According to the new rules, the time for repairing the engine or painting of the body should...

Alexey Romanov: Our hit "Who is to blame" - a stupid song. The legendary group "Resurrection" for the first time gave a concert in Balakovo

Alexey Romanov: Our hit "Who is to blame" - a stupid song. The legendary group "Resurrection" for the first time gave a concert in Balakovo
The arrival of the legendary in real people's favorite "Resurrection" group, which for almost half a century is considered one of the best rock groups...

When limbs do not obey: What is someone else's hand syndrome?

When limbs do not obey: What is someone else's hand syndrome?
If you watched the film "Family Addams", then the thing should be remembered - a character that looks like an ordinary hand without a body, but it seems...

Tax suspended the work of the Kazakhstani Bureau for Human Rights and Compliance

Tax suspended the work of the Kazakhstani Bureau for Human Rights and Compliance
Tax suspended the work of the Kazakhstani Bureau for Human Rights and ComplianceAlmaty. The 25th of January. KazTAG - Tax authorities suspended the...

How did the White Country Singer asked the Black Soul singer to compose him a song?: Hist Hits Kenny Rogers

How did the White Country Singer asked the Black Soul singer to compose him a song?: Hist Hits Kenny Rogers
Lionel Richie and Kenny Rogers. 2017 Photo: DepositphotosPersonally, I could never imagine a star of Country Music Kenny Rogers Junior. For me, he was...