Articles #272

The ideas of the authorities will not help stop the rise in housing prices: construction will remain expensive

The ideas of the authorities will not help stop the rise in housing prices: construction will remain expensive
The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) proposed to introduce export duties for steel products. As believed in the department, this will reduce the cost...

Russian celebrities that do not communicate with parents

Russian celebrities that do not communicate with parents
It's no secret that Celebrities are interesting to many, and the fans carefully observe them. In the form of even the most unsightly sides of their lives...

How to remove air conditioning from the wall: Rules and recommendations

How to remove air conditioning from the wall: Rules and recommendations
The inner part of the split system is dismantled in case of failure, clogging or during repairs and the question arises as well to remove, so as not to...

"There was no luck. But there must be something more than luck ": Yuri Milner about principles, investments and space

"There was no luck. But there must be something more than luck ": Yuri Milner about principles, investments and space
The main thing from a large interview with the founder of the DST Global project "Russian rules". The physicist became an entrepreneur and an investor...

On which diet was Natalia Krachkovskaya

On which diet was Natalia Krachkovskaya
Natalia Leonidovna Krachkovskaya - Soviet and Russian actress, deserved artist of the Russian Federation and an incredibly talented and charming woman....

10 things that are exactly your friends who have become parents

10 things that are exactly your friends who have become parents
Support is important even at a distance "When people become parents, their values, roles, goals and vital philosophy are changing." Those parents say...

Masterpiece Wherever Looks. Listed Airpods Max

Masterpiece Wherever Looks. Listed Airpods Max
Tim Cook again sent three shekel wagon, and also - AIRPODS MAX headphones. It didn't even imagine...

"The art of extending life is an art not to reduce it." How cold helps to live longer

"The art of extending life is an art not to reduce it." How cold helps to live longer
"The art of extending life is an art not to reduce it." How cold helps to live longerDo you know what the most strange saying about a healthy lifestyle?...

Tikhanovskaya announced a possible meeting with Biden

Tikhanovskaya announced a possible meeting with Biden
Tikhanovskaya announced a possible meeting with BidenFormer presidential candidate of Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovskaya announced a possible meeting with...

Bloomberg: USA and the United Kingdom discuss new sanctions against Russia

Bloomberg: USA and the United Kingdom discuss new sanctions against Russia
The United States and the United Kingdom are discussing additional sanctions against Russia related to the accusations of the use of chemical weapons....

What were candy from our Soviet childhood?

What were candy from our Soviet childhood?
What were candy from our Soviet childhood? Photo: Depositphotos.Candy, sweets, desserts - what were they before? Twenty years ago, forty, sixty ......

Geely Coolray meets the first anniversary

Geely Coolray meets the first anniversary
One of the most successful representatives of the Chinese automotive industry in the Russian market, Geely Coolray, celebrates the first anniversary...

The best smartphones in terms of price - quality. Review for February 2021

The best smartphones in terms of price - quality. Review for February 2021
Today, consumers are less and less trusted to pay millions of millionic technologists and are still striving to overpay for the brand when buying a smartphone....

Varieties of pink color strawberries: characteristics and peculiarities of growing

Varieties of pink color strawberries: characteristics and peculiarities of growing
Good afternoon, my reader. Not everyone knows that strawberries can bloom not only with white flowers. Relicious varieties are displayed, whose painting...