Articles #209

Update WOT1.12: What's new waiting for players

Update WOT1.12: What's new waiting for players
This article discusses the patch of 1.12, which came out on March 3, 2021. What will be seen a new players after this update? Rebalanse technology...

My child is afraid of doctors and yells in the clinic. What to do?

My child is afraid of doctors and yells in the clinic. What to do?
We recently gave useful tips from a psychotherapist for all who have to go to the doctor. Now we appeal to personal experience and present the column...

What to cook in the post?: Interesting recipes of vegetable dishes

What to cook in the post?: Interesting recipes of vegetable dishes
What to cook in the post? Photo: Depositphotos.During the Great Post as never relevant vegetable and mushroom dishes. In carrots, cabbage, beets, onions,...

More than 100 consultations held from the beginning of the year the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Center for Competencies in Telemedicine

More than 100 consultations held from the beginning of the year the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Center for Competencies in Telemedicine
106 Telemedicinsky consultations held from the beginning of 2021 in the regional center of competences on telemedicine, open on the basis of the city...

The cheapest cars in Russia: what how much?

The cheapest cars in Russia: what how much?
The shocks that the car business of Russia received due to the coronavirus pencil pandemic and the economic crisis caused by it, could not but affect the...

Called the five strange and ugly bmw cars in history

Called the five strange and ugly bmw cars in history
In its history, BMW produced several cars, whose design of brand fans have big questions. Experts of the portal studied the history of the...

For the first time in the Italian first class

For the first time in the Italian first class
After 3 months from the beginning of the school year, I had my own opinion about the Italian elementary school. This year, my child went to the first...

How does a man behaved with low self-esteem in relationships

How does a man behaved with low self-esteem in relationships
When you love a man with low self-esteem, you need to know a few things. And it is desirable to be ready for them in advance. We describe those who are...

Inclined a 17-year-old girl for prostitution

Inclined a 17-year-old girl for prostitution
In September 2019, a 26-year-old man from Lepielsky district became acquainted with 17-year-old (at that time) a girl in social networks and...

Skoda has given valuable advice on coronavirus protection

Skoda has given valuable advice on coronavirus protection
The Chief Medic of Skoda Yana Parmova says that when moving on his car, it is better not to take companions. If all the same transportation of foreign...

"Andrei soft fell in love with beautiful actresses" - the wife of Shcherbakova told about the actors' novels

"Andrei soft fell in love with beautiful actresses" - the wife of Shcherbakova told about the actors' novels
He was a normal man, and around full of attractive, talented actresses Frame from the film "Service Romance", FB.RuThe marriage of Andrei Mikov and...

Palace number 1 - the most beloved executioner Stalin

Palace number 1 - the most beloved executioner Stalin
Vasily Blokhin was the main executioner of the People's Commissariat of the Interior (NKVD) at the three commissioners - Lavrentia Beria, Nikolae John...

5 interesting gifts for the new year for a beloved fisherman

5 interesting gifts for the new year for a beloved fisherman
The beginning of the year accompanies a series of holidays. And this is a wonderful reason to give a favorite fisherman any useful thing that will help...

The benefits and harm of melon seeds

The benefits and harm of melon seeds
The benefits and harm of the Domade Melon SeedsWe used to eating only melon flesh, throwing out the peel and seeds. But did you think about what contains...