Articles #178

With the support of the Ministry of Industry, the new project for industrial enterprises of small businesses started in the region

With the support of the Ministry of Industry, the new project for industrial enterprises of small businesses started in the region
Guillotine scissors, autoclaves, plotters, industrial furnaces, machine tools and other equipment can rent businessmen from large enterprises in the...

The secret note helped the waitress to save the boy from cruel treatment

The secret note helped the waitress to save the boy from cruel treatment
The child passed through bullying and torture The waitress from Florida Flavyin Carvalo suspected that the child was subjected to cruel treatment,...

Experts called dangerous diet

Experts called dangerous diet Experts called the most dangerous adult human and child diet. We are talking about separate nutrition, macrobiotics and vegetarianism....

Santa Barbara: everything in case

Santa Barbara: everything in case
The story with the sanctions began. All according to the laws of Hollywood.First, the announcement of what will be scary and "Kuzkina Mother" will...

Bank "Kuznetsky" began accepting applications for the program Photo 3.0

Bank "Kuznetsky" began accepting applications for the program Photo 3.0
Penza, March 19 - PenzaNews. The Penza Bank "Kuznetsky" began to accept applications from companies from the least restored branches to participate in...

How to understand that the relationship fall apart: the view of psychotherapists

How to understand that the relationship fall apart: the view of psychotherapists
16 signals that you need help Not all pairs are destined to live "long and happily", and parting or divorce is just a matter of time. Sometimes the...

12 most frequent requests in Google from young mothers and the right answers to them

12 most frequent requests in Google from young mothers and the right answers to them
Young and inexperienced mothers are often worried about the state of the child and their competence in a moment of care of the kid. And then they are looking...

How are the birth of a horse?

How are the birth of a horse?
Horse breeding is a complex process in which mostly mare is involved, but there are nuances in which a person should take part. Otherwise, generic activity...

"Gorvodokanal" joined the National Project to increase labor productivity

"Gorvodokanal" joined the National Project to increase labor productivity
Penza, March 24 - PenzaNews. The starting meeting dedicated to the entry of the Penza "Gorodokanal" (a member of the Russian utilities group) in the National...

Global risks for everyone

Global risks for everyone
What global threats people around the world are considered the most relevant personally for themselves, whether Europe is ready to introduce vaccination...

School teacher told how the most mittens of Bernie Sanders presented

School teacher told how the most mittens of Bernie Sanders presented
Curious history of ekovarezek Bernie Sanders, lonely sitting during the inauguration of Joe Bayden, gave rise to a new meme. Especially everyone remember...

Why in winter it is important to feed the chicken grain

Why in winter it is important to feed the chicken grain
In winter, it is important to add germinated grain into the diet. At this time, the chickens do not eat green grass, respectively do not get vitamins....

Why Mars has two satellites, and not one?

Why Mars has two satellites, and not one?
The planet Mars has two satellites. The first of these is phobos, the diameter of which is 22.5 kilometers. The second satellite of Mars is a diame with...

10 major achievements in the field of medical technologies in the fight against ACSID-19

10 major achievements in the field of medical technologies in the fight against ACSID-19
Throughout the pandemic, the branch of medical equipment and diagnostics has made a great contribution to the fight against the Kovid-19. According to...