Articles #17

What happens to the body of a person who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle

What happens to the body of a person who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle
A modern man on average spends half of his wakeful time, sitting at the computer, getting to work and back home in transport, browsing TV or gadgets....

The government made extension of freezing prices for sugar and sunflower oil

The government made extension of freezing prices for sugar and sunflower oil
The government considers the possibility of extending agreements on stabilizing prices for sugar and sunflower oil, the representative of the first...

SNAP continues to increase income due to digital advertising

SNAP continues to increase income due to digital advertising
The report for the IV quarter of 2020 will be published after the end of today's auctions (February 4); Forecast revenue: $ 849 million; Expected profit...

Top 5 gifts to please yourself your favorite March 8

Top 5 gifts to please yourself your favorite March 8
You probably have already prepared gifts for March 8 for your girlfriends, moms and grandmothers. But let's turn over the usual scheme and turn on the...

The most unusual prizes that have ever received car riders (photo)

The most unusual prizes that have ever received car riders (photo)
The usual cups always remain welcome for the pilot, but sometimes they look too trite, or very "sponsorship". Formula 1 races complained about it in the...

Good mood

Good mood
Divine Miracle, the world in which the wind and trees found out the relationship, the world in which there is no man ... Alexander the Macedonian street...

In Russia, a new stage of the labeling of drugs on the simplified scheme begins

In Russia, a new stage of the labeling of drugs on the simplified scheme begins
On February 1, the action of a part of the simplifications that were introduced under the notification regime in drugs are completed. Jarmoluk /...

What can go wrong in the capital markets this year

What can go wrong in the capital markets this year
Investors and analysts are optimistic about the prospects for the markets in 2021. Foundations managers are almost unanimous: we are waiting for...

Information on the participation of representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the funeral of Ibrahimov confirmed (video)

Information on the participation of representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the funeral of Ibrahimov confirmed (video)
Information on the participation of representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the funeral of Ibrahimov confirmed...

So that the skils are always complete. How to increase the yield of potatoes?

So that the skils are always complete. How to increase the yield of potatoes?
Good afternoon, my reader. RUSSIAN DRIANS AND SWITEZARSKY SOLUTS, puree, cream soups, salads, chips, casseroles - Here is a small list of dishes in which...

Burvotching on the lake bath: National Project opened new opportunities for leisure

Burvotching on the lake bath: National Project opened new opportunities for leisure
More than 140 million rubles will be directed to the objects of improvement in the city of Karasuke and Kuibyshev Novosibirsk region, which became...

Parents of the boys drowning in the Ventspils Basin faces the prison: they did not inform the compensation received

Parents of the boys drowning in the Ventspils Basin faces the prison: they did not inform the compensation received
The parents of a boy, drowned in 2017 to the Ventspilsa Baby, threatens imprisonment for undetectured compensation received, reports the program TV3...

3 reasons for rising beef and pork prices in 2021

3 reasons for rising beef and pork prices in 2021
Especially for At the beginning of 2021, the price of beef and pork remain low. Cause 1. Soybeans are given a signal. Cause 2. The rupture...

Natalia Karaman: "There are signs of fraud in the actions of the overhaul Foundation"

Natalia Karaman: "There are signs of fraud in the actions of the overhaul Foundation"
The capital repairs of common property in apartment buildings in the Saratov region (hereinafter referred to as the foundation) most payers in the...