Articles #134

Public scientists demand to tighten the punishment for Pyaterochka in the Ivanovo region

Public scientists demand to tighten the punishment for Pyaterochka in the Ivanovo region
On February 25, Agrotorg LLC, which owns the Pyaterochka chain, received from regional Rospotrebnadzor only a warning for selling goods at a price...

In Balakovo, the leaders of the Criminal Code and HOA remind of the need to brush the roofs timely

In Balakovo, the leaders of the Criminal Code and HOA remind of the need to brush the roofs timely
In Balakovo, the social network published photos as children walk on the street Minsk near the building of the post office, where huge icicles hang...

12 interesting facts about children who were born in winter

12 interesting facts about children who were born in winter
Probably, no one is not necessary to convince that children born at different times of the year have a different set of personal qualities. Yes, some of...

How Russia "Retired" to the digital ruble

How Russia "Retired" to the digital ruble
In early October 2019, Chairman of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina, while performing on the Forum "Finnopolis", stated that the country does not need...

Jewelry with insects: for lovers of wildlife

Jewelry with insects: for lovers of wildlife
Nature is an infinite source of inspiration. It is not surprising that in jewelry design, symbols of colors, plants, insects are used everywhere. They...

The source declared the technical problems of the "Science" module. They are considered eliminated

The source declared the technical problems of the "Science" module. They are considered eliminated
The source declared the technical problems of the "Science" module. They are considered eliminatedThe module for the ISS "Science" has long turned into...

In Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic, Pianist Roman Borisov will perform

In Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic, Pianist Roman Borisov will perform
On March 4, the laureate of international competitions, a repeated member of the music projects of the International Charitable Foundation Vladimir...

"I'm a man in my 50": as "Tarzan" Sergey Glushko got into show business

"I'm a man in my 50": as "Tarzan" Sergey Glushko got into show business
Sergey Came to conquer the capital from the Arkhangelsk region. The future stripper with honors graduated from a military university and served on the...

Golden-blond: Color that goes to all blonde

Golden-blond: Color that goes to all blonde
Who is this soft, beautiful and warm color? What are the colors of this color in fashion today? About the advantages and disadvantages of neutral golden-light...

It became known as in the GUP "Bryanskfarmation" procurement

It became known as in the GUP "Bryanskfarmation" procurement
Bryansk News has already been reported that the Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Bryanskfarmation" Deputy Olduma Mikhail Ivanov gave a detailed...

How to return an urgent contribution ahead of schedule? All options

How to return an urgent contribution ahead of schedule? All options
How to return irregular deposits ahead of schedule - one of the most frequently asked user questions. We asked him to banks and that's what they found...

Moscow region inventor came up with an elegant lemons duty

Moscow region inventor came up with an elegant lemons duty
The entrepreneur from the Moscow region Konstantin Minchuk has improved the process of extrusion of juice from lemon. He developed and actively sells...

Scientists: Coronavirus can live from four to seven days on glass, plastic and stainless steel

Scientists: Coronavirus can live from four to seven days on glass, plastic and stainless steel A group of scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay found out that Coronavirus is able to live from four to seven...

800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky began to celebrate in the city

800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky began to celebrate in the city
The 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky began to celebrate in the city, the press service of the governor and the government of the Nizhny Novgorod...