Articles #126

Readers told about the actions of their parents who prove their limitless love for children

Readers told about the actions of their parents who prove their limitless love for children
We have several times published the history of our readers about parental deeds that caused a health offense. Some adults did not restrain the promise,...

11 tips from the gastroenterologist about how to eat from the soul in the new year and not harm the body

11 tips from the gastroenterologist about how to eat from the soul in the new year and not harm the body
New Year is the most important holiday in the year. But the rapid celebration often turns into stress for our body, because these days we allow themselves...

Bank "Kuznetsky" summed up the results of financial activities in two months of 2021

Bank "Kuznetsky" summed up the results of financial activities in two months of 2021
Penza, March 25 - PenzaNews. Penza Bank "Kuznetsky" summed up the financial activities for the first two months of 2021. Penza Bank "Kuznetsky" summed...

Interview with Efim Muromtsev

Interview with Efim Muromtsev
Efim Muromtsev - President of the National Association of Manufacturers and Sellers of Carpet Products, Clemented ideologue of the largest networks...

Leaving the castorical, or smile without a cat

Leaving the castorical, or smile without a cat
Why it is important to talk about the behavior of Lewis Carroll with his "friends-friends" On January 27, 1832, Charles Lutviode Dodzhson, famous for...

They are simply shocked - the Royal Insider about the response of the Dukes of Cambridges on an interview with Prince Harry and Megan Okle

They are simply shocked - the Royal Insider about the response of the Dukes of Cambridges on an interview with Prince Harry and Megan Okle
On March 7, it is planned to exit a frank semi-third-hour interview with Prince Harry and Megan Marcle. According to rumors, it is already recorded, it...

Caffeine accused of reducing the volume of the gray matter of the brain

Caffeine accused of reducing the volume of the gray matter of the brain
Caffeine is the most common psychostimulator in the world: it is contained in coffee, tea, energy and other carbonated drinks. Although this alkaloid itself...

Devaluation of the ruble and payments to the Russians: what we "pleased" 2020

Devaluation of the ruble and payments to the Russians: what we "pleased" 2020
The editors of summarizes the outgoing year. Now we will tell about the most important financial changes that have occurred in 12 months...

On Wednesday, world markets were able to overcome negative attitudes

On Wednesday, world markets were able to overcome negative attitudes
On Wednesday, world markets were able to overcome the negative attitude observed in the morning, and demonstrate moderate growth. Despite the resumption...

Porsche sales in Russia remained at the level of 2019

Porsche sales in Russia remained at the level of 2019
Porsche Rusland LLC has transferred 5711 cars to its customers in 2020. Despite the difficulties of the past year, the company managed to maintain high...

How to care for curly hair: proven tricks

How to care for curly hair: proven tricks
Crispy hair requires increased attention and care than straight. And the reason is that they have a porous structure, so Tony is always dry and require...

Children's hysteria: how not to scream together with the child

Children's hysteria: how not to scream together with the child
The child is choking sobbing, riding on the floor and kogotit hands and legs on the ground. And you want to fall asleep under this very land - from pity...

VTB reduced to 20% the first contribution to the mortgage in two documents

VTB reduced to 20% the first contribution to the mortgage in two documents
VTB improves the conditions for issuing mortgage loans under the program "victory over formalities". Now customers will be able to solve the apartment...

Warm "lamp" photos of the Times of the USSR with Soviet cars - 19

Warm "lamp" photos of the Times of the USSR with Soviet cars - 19
Did you miss photos of the time of the USSR? Let's start our improvised time machine. Do not forget to also see the previous part, if for some reason you...