How to start a business on Amazon in 2021 with $ 300 at the start


AMAZON Sales Formula Maxim Avdeev's training program and Level Consulting Group told how the leading e-commerce platform was arranged, how to earn and develop a business with its help, and also shared successful customer case cases that only learn, but already earn, selling goods on Amazon .

About Amazon: how it works

The main audience of the largest platform in the field of e-commerce is located in the United States. This explains the high solvency of Amazon buyers.

At the same time, it is not necessary to live in the United States to earn with the help of the platform. Many sellers on Amazon, like those selling goods of their own production, and those who cooperate with various wholesale suppliers and resell, live in other countries.

Americans prefer Amazon for several reasons:

  • This, unlike, for example, Alibaba, not only wholesale, but also comfortable retail. On Alibaba it is difficult to buy something in one instance for yourself, no matter, tablecloth is or watch.
  • Thanks to the huge number of regional warehouses located on the territory of North America, shipping speed with Amazon is only 1-2 days, unlike Aliexpress, which will be visited by two or four weeks.
  • Amazon in addition to the goods offers customers a lot of additional "buns" in the form of surcharges, bonuses, access to branded services with books or films (from books everything began).

Americans are accustomed to buying on Amazon as a supermarket - anything. The weekly purchase amount with the platform can reach several thousand dollars. Why buy somewhere else if everything is quick and profitable here. And not always the price plays a paramount role: An ordinary American is most likely to buy the right thing on Amazon for $ 15, but will get it tomorrow, which will wait for the same amount for $ 7 with Aliexpress for a whole month.

How to start your business on Amazon

Those who face their business on the platform for the first time may experience some difficulties. This is normal: there is little business quickly rides from the first attempt.

The main thing is that any person can start can start where he lives and how much money he has (to a certain extent).

It works like this:

  • You analyze the market and choose the goods that you want to trade.
  • Find a supplier and negotiate with him about the purchase of a trial party.
  • Register the seller's account on Amazon and send your goods to the company's American warehouse.
  • Watch out for sales, optimize them, increase the range, etc.

Retailers do not deliver orders, do not contact with buyers, they do not need to know English. All, including storage, takes upon themselves Amazon in accordance with the FBA system. Sellers are simply paying a 15% commission platform from the sale.

Level Consulting Group and Maxim Avdeev teach how to start a business on Amazon and selling goods earning from $ 4,000 every month. The training program approaches even those who have no experience in business and have never been involved in sales before.

It is best to assess the potential of the sales course on the platform will help customer reviews that have already begun to trade.


Andrei: "I believe that the main value of the course is that it has everything you need for a beginner. It is described all to the smallest detail. Select the goods, now they are seven, I started with arbitration: studying their features in descriptions on sites, in offline stores, etc. Search for goods for sale I took about two weeks. I did everything strictly according to the instructions - I did no more than two hours a day and strictly in accordance with the instructions of the curators. I must say that it helps me very much - everything works for me exactly as describes the curriculum. "

How to start a business on Amazon in 2021 with $ 300 at the start 9990_1

Natalia: "The course of Maxim Avdeeva helped me learn to correctly assess the potential of goods and make money on it. Currently, I have only three commodity positions, but I'm not going to stop there. I believe that the main thing for the trade on Amazon is to understand how it works. This is how the course teaches. "

How to start a business on Amazon in 2021 with $ 300 at the start 9990_2

In more detail to study the experience of other subscribers of the AMAZON Sales Formula training course, and also learn about the program "Maxim Avdeev reviews" or "Level Consulting Group reviews."

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