What causes caries and how to protect your teeth?


According to the World Health Organization, the dental caries is the most common disease in the world. The teeth struck by caries over time begin to root and to get rid of the terrible sensations, you need to go through an unpleasant and fairly expensive treatment. In difficult cases, the affected teeth have to delete at all, after which it is recommended to install expensive dental implants. To prevent the destruction of the teeth, you need to clean them every day with a brush and a special thread. But in the future, abide by the oral hygiene can become easier, because Chinese scientists have developed a gel that protects teeth from caries. It is possible that precisely because of this invention, we can brush the teeth much less often than now. A new means for teeth is called peptide varnish and, in essence, simply enhances the natural protective mechanisms of the human body. Let's figure it out how it works.

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In China, a remedy that protects teeth from caries

Causes of caries

During the day, the teeth of each person forms a film from a variety of microbes, which is more known as a dental flare. During their livelihoods of sugar, which are contained in food used by us, are converted into acid. Under their influence enamel, which is a protective shell of each tooth, begins to dissolve. Over time, due to these destruction, the teeth are formed in the black cavity. When damage becomes the strongest, the person begins to feel a strong pain. Many people ignore the Caries before this stage and only after the occurrence of pain appeal to the dentist. The treatment of caries is reduced to the fact that the doctor removes damaged parts of the tooth and fills the cavity formed by composite plastic or other safe substances.

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In order not to spend heaps of money for the treatment of caries, it is easier to prevent its occurrence

Why do you need saliva?

The main task of saliva lies in the fact that it wets the mouth cavity, softens food and makes it easier for swallowing. But in addition, it is also needed to destroy the microbes that fall into the human oral cavity. The substances contained in the saliva envelop their teeth and form a film that does not give dangerous microbes to destroy enamel. It would seem - why brushing your teeth in general if there is saliva? But the thing is that modern food contains too many sugar and natural protection against caries is powerless.

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Modern food contains a lot of sugar and especially harmful to teeth

See also: Why is your teeth - it's not a bone?

Prevention of caries

But Chinese scientists led by Professor Quan Lee (Quan Li Li) have found a way to strengthen this defense. According to the scientific journal ACS AppLied Materials and Interfaces, they found that the bacteria is particularly well protected in the saliva peptide H5. This substance is well absorbed with dental enamel and destroys a wide range of bacteria. To increase the strength of this substance, scientists have added phosphorus particles to its molecules, which is important for the health of dental enamel. Thanks to this trick, the developed gel not only protects the teeth from bacteria, but also restores the damaged enamel.

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Perhaps in the future, oral hygiene will be more

According to researchers, with regular use of peptide varnish, the microbes will die before the enamel contact. It should be noted that this tool does not treat existing caries. Therefore, it will be used only after the treatment of existing carious holes. There is a chance that the peptide varnish in the future will become the same important tool of oral cavity, as a toothbrush, paste and thread.

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Peptide varnish does not allow microbes to get to enamel

When exactly the peptide varnish will be on sale until it is not known. Apparently, this will happen soon, because before the appearance on the shelves, the tool must successfully pass the test. In the meantime, such a miracle means does not exist, it is necessary to protect your teeth from dangerous bacteria. To do this, you need to thoroughly clean your teeth twice a day, as well as purify their gaps with a dental thread. You can also buy an irrigator for full protection, which additionally removes food residues with powerful jets of water. Well, of course, it is important to reduce food intake with a high sugar content.

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On our site there are quite a few articles about human teeth. For example, in the first half of 2020, my colleague Artem Sutyagin described in detail, for which the children first grow milk teeth, and then indigenous appear. It turned out a very large article, in which the most popular myths about milk teeth are considered. For example, some parents believe that milks teeth can not be cleaned. But are they right?

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