"Great People of Russia" - Prokhor Shalyapin awarded merit to the country


Prokhor became famous for participation in scandalous talk shows and novels with Great women. But the singer has other advantages and talents.

Prokhor Shalyapin, Instagram.com

Prokhor Shalyapin first became known thanks to the participation in the musical project "Star Factory". But the fans of a 37-year-old artist love him for the execution of folk songs. According to fans, Shalyapin conveys the essence of Russian song especially sincere. Therefore, the young man is so the road is a new award - he was honored with a diploma for the preservation of popular culture, which was presented as part of the Great People of Russia.

Prokhor first did the achievements in the microblog in Instagram. In the picture, he poses with a charming smile, in his hands he has a diploma, a basket of white colors and an elegant statuette.

Awarded award for the preservation of folk culture. All my life with great pleasure I sing Russian folk songs, because they keep our centuries-old history, our memory, our soul, strength and kindness, spirituality, sincerity, love, faith and hope!

- says the signature of the artist to the publication.

Prokhor Shalyapin, Instagram.com

Falloviers Prokhor have crumbled in compliments and congratulations. Many people write that he is worthy of this reward as no other. It should be noted, quite recently, Shalyapin was again subjected to avalanche of folk criticism. The fact is that he reunited with the former chief - 65-year-old Larisa Copenkina for the sake of a hike in the spa for rejuvenating procedures. However, the demonstration of love joke semi-indigence businesswoman and her young satellite caused anger from subscribers.

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