How frozen water affects the life of Ugra

How frozen water affects the life of Ugra 994_1
How frozen water affects the life of Ugra

Tomorrow is celebrated World Snow Day. This is a very young holiday. He appeared in 2012. The initiative belongs to the International Federation of Skiing. According to the idea, this day should be "snow festivals", during which children and adults will be able to get acquainted with winter sports. However, for Ugra, snow is not only skiing and sled.

Snow lies in Ugra most of the year, somewhere seven months. Even bored. But here is an interesting fact: half of the inhabitants of the globe never even seen him.

In Ugra, the snow is not just a weather phenomenon, but a kind of natural resource. And valuable. Periodically, when residents of the European part of Russia are waiting for at least one snowfish from heaven, Ugra is used by the moment and publish ads for the sale of snow. What is not a business? Rates are different. Someone asks for a bucket of a thousand rubles, someone 10 thousand for a whole mountain.

To the snow in Ugra belongs to carefully. For example, in Khanty-Mansiysk it does not be stored in huge snowpads, and they drown an environmentally friendly way. While this is the only snow-sphew installation in the district. Similar plan to put in Surgut. In 11 hours, one such installation is capable of turning 2 thousand cubic meters of snow into water.

Yugorscans still like snow, that every year is covered with a blanket. From sawdust ... So it is better kept until the next season. In the center of winter sports named after A.V. Filipenko from artificial snow creates a skiing route for athletes. It is created by special guns. The composition is slightly different from the natural. It does not allow him to melt, especially in the summer. And sawdust help maintain a negative temperature.

Create snow not only guns. But the residents of Ugra. When 40-degree frost comes to the region - teapots begin to boil in homes. Not for the sake of a hot drink, but for the sake of beautiful photos and video on social networks. The inhabitants of the North know perfectly well that at low temperatures, hot water freezes much faster than cold. Therefore, the creation of snow has long become for the Ugra already traditional winter fun.

And the snow in Ugra is one of the main employers. It is necessary to clean it. Hundreds of public utilities all over the district found their professional field. For example, industrial climbers are needed for cleaning the roofs. The snow layer on the roof should not exceed 20 centimeters. Large pieces can fall and literally putting cars that are standing nearby.

It turns out that for Ugra, snow is no longer just precipitation, it is part of everyday life. It would seem, just frozen water, but how much is connected with it. Despite the long winter, in the fall we are all looking forward to the first snow.

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