Enhance salary and launch new benefits: Mishoustin made a loud statement

Enhance salary and launch new benefits: Mishoustin made a loud statement 9939_1

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishoustin at the Gaidar Forum told how the country will overcome the effects of a pandemic. In particular, among support measures will be a new procedure for accrualing payments to citizens, "Moscow Komsomolets" reports.

The main tasks that are currently facing the government is to improve the quality of life of citizens, the development of health, education, innovative technologies, digitalization of various sectors of the economy, noted Mishoustin.

An important tool for improving the living standards of people is an automatic accrual of payments to those who need citizens, the head of the Cabinet added. To do this, "Social Treasury" was created, which is an information platform for the help of socio-unprotected categories of people.

Also Mishoustin is confident that Russia will overtake other countries of the world on the rate of exit from the crisis, since we have already developed and applied vaccine from coronavirus.

In addition, the authorities have developed a clear plan that will reduce crisis phenomena. It is designed for ten years. The first three years will cost the budget of 39 trillion rubles, which corresponds to the two annual budgets of the country.

The plan states that Russian citizens need to increase wages and provide all work. Implement the new investment cycle, I am sure that Mishatine is sure. He recalled that last year the law on the protection and promotion of investment investment was adopted. Due to this, it was possible to attract capital in the chemical industry, the sphere of transport, energy, health care. More than 20 thousand jobs will be created in these industries.

The Gaidar Forum also raised the issue of creating a digital ruble. This was told by the deputy chairman of the Central Bank Alexey Kakotkin.

"The digital ruble is the third form of the national currency in addition to cash and non-cash money," he explained.

This currency will be stored on the accounts of the regulator, not commercial banks. Financial risks are connected with this, because if the digital ruble becomes popular, liquid funds will be treated from financial organizations.

Kabinchin explained that payments using a digital ruble would be similar to payments on non-cash, but electronic wallets with a third form will be able to work without the Internet. However, all the above exists at the level of the concept.

Recall that the deputies of "Fair Russia" sent a new bill to the government, which can give the right to retire another category of population. We are talking about the families of medical workers who died due to diseases acquired as a result of professional activities.

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