German company NBB is fined 10.4 million euros for video surveillance for employees

German company NBB is fined 10.4 million euros for video surveillance for employees 9927_1

The regulator of the German region Lower Saxony was fined the company AG (local seller of laptops) by 10.4 million euros for constant video surveillance for its employees for two years without legitimate grounds. The penalty is imposed in accordance with the general data protection regulations (GDPR).

Recipient fine - AG (business is conducted under the NBB brand). The company is represented by e-commerce portal and retail sales stores. Main specialization - sale of laptops and digital electronics, IT goods.

The State Commissioner for Data Protection in Lower Saxony (Germany) reported that NBB more than two years ago has established a surveillance system in its warehouses, trading halls, on workplaces. This was done to "prevent and investigate theft, tracking the movement of goods." It was also stated that the video surveillance system works constantly, and the records are stored for 60 days.

NBB has stated that they use traditional video surveillance solutions, exactly the same as in other cities of Germany and other countries of the world, but the local regulator noted that the established system is a "gross encroachment" on the rights of workers.

The regulator statements said the following: "German companies must be aware that with such an intensive video surveillance there is a violation of the rights of employees. Video surveillance systems should not be used as a deterrent to prevent crime, but only in situations where the employer has serious suspicions against some workers. In these situations, it is necessary to observe such employees for a certain time period, until the suspicions are confirmed, and not a few years in a row. "

The company NBB categorically disagree with the fine. "We never used our video system to observe the behavior or productivity of employees. We do not have such technical capabilities. This is absurd that the authorities imposed a fine of 10 million euros on us, without conducting any investigation. Probably, we simply lead as an example, "said NBB CEO Oliver Helmold.

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