How many times a year and when eucharis flowers at home?

How many times a year and when eucharis flowers at home? 9921_1

About when the Amazonian Lilia (Euharicis) will bloom, it is interesting to learn not only the new owners of this magnificent plant, but also those who carefully cares for flower, but can not wait for the appearance of buds.

In this article we will try to squeeze curiosity and other categories of flower products.

What time of the year the flowers appear?

How many times a year and when eucharis flowers at home? 9921_2

Most often, Euharicis flowering falls on the spring and autumn period. White flowers, similar to daffodils, exuded the delightful aroma and give the state of the update and the holiday. And especially by the way, it happens for Christmas, when there are a period of rest at other colors.

How many times a year?

For the sake of fairness, I must say that Amazonian lily does not often indulge his owners with Christmas flowers, the buds appear much more often in February. At the same time, the plant throws a long bloom, which grows a bunch of luxurious colors dropping one by one.

How long does flowering last?

Euharicis flowers are revealed alternately, each of them lives 7-10 days, and all the inflores please us with its magnificence about 20 days. There are cases when large specimens have formed 8 blooms.

Is it possible to extend it?

How many times a year and when eucharis flowers at home? 9921_3

You can only push this period over the stimulation and make the plant continue to increase the green mass. However, the Amazonian lily will not bloom.

Therefore, it is better not to disturb the natural cycle, only so you can get a strong and healthy, and the main flowering plant.

Step-by-step care instructions

  1. During the period of active growth of the plant and the temperature of the coloring discharge, the temperature should not fall below 18 ° C. Strong temperature differences at this time can cause the grinding of flowers.
  2. In connection with the development of new leaves and the formation of flowerons, Amazonian lily demands an increase in irrigation. However, it is necessary to do this carefully, avoiding the convergence and stiring of water in the root system zone. Always need to remember that the bulbs already have some fluid supply. Therefore, Euharicis is better to be disliked than to pour. The more richly watering at a time, the more there should be a break between them. The flowering period euharicis is watered when the soil is dry at a depth of 3 cm. Immediately after flowering, watering is reduced to a minimum necessary only for the leaves of the plant to lose the tour rest. Learn more about the loss of the turgora can be found on this page.
  3. Spraying during flowering should be carried out with great caution, not allowing moisture to fall into flowers, as this leads to the appearance of brown spots and loss of decorative plant. Some flower products at this time prefer not to spray at all. Especially since dust from the leaves is easily removed with a damp cloth.
  4. With the active growth and flowering of euharicis, it is helpful to feed it with liquid fertilizers for flowering plants. At the same time, experienced flowers do not advise not to follow the instructions on the packaging and strongly dilute the recommended composition. Excess fertilizer can damage the Amazon Lily.

When should you worry about the absence of arrows?

It is noted that Euharicis flowers only having the status of a "parent", so do not worry about the absence of flowering, if your green friend has not yet acquired kids. However, some experts believe that Amazon Lily needs not so much kids as a close pot. And if the tank is large, the plant begins to multiply until there is no space.

How many times a year and when eucharis flowers at home? 9921_4

If Euharicis has long been around for children, but does not want to bloom, then most likely the problem is in care. How to care for the flower is described in detail here.

Can the plant blossom to "extracurricular" time?

Euharicis flowering time is easy to adjust using the creation of conditions for the occurrence of the rest period, which can be shifted to the desired time for you. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the air temperature and move the flower into a less illuminated place. Usually, Euharicis blooms for 5-6 months from the start of the rest period. The first sign of the approaching flowering is the appearance of new leaves and the transition of the plant into the active phase of growth.

What if "Amazon" will stubborn?

If Euharicis has already given a few kids and gets proper care, but it is not in a hurry to please the owners with snow-white flowers, you can try the following scheme:

  • The container with the plant is transferred to the cool shaded place. You can remove the Amazonian lily from the window deep into the room.
  • Watering to cut to a minimum, allowing the Earth to sink a pot on two thirds.
  • Fully stop feeding.

Thus, artificially create Euharicis period of peace, during which flower kidneys are formed. After three or four months, return the plant into a bright place and with the advent of new foliage, return to the same irrigation mode and begin to carefully feed.

When will bloom after a transplant?

How many times a year and when eucharis flowers at home? 9921_5

Typically, the plant is transplanted once every 3-4 years. To do this, wait for the occurrence of the rest period. At the same time, the earth is desirable to keep. It is not necessary to separate the kids from the parent plant without need, they will not be able to bloom for a loner.

  1. For transplanting, a shallow, but wide pot, a bit size of the previous one, will be required.
  2. The flower cautiously shake out of the old pot and together with an earthen room are placed in a new container, filling the emptiness with a nutritional soil suitable for euharicis.
  3. The transplanted plant is rarely watered, as the soil is burned for two thirds of the pot.
  4. The feeding can be started only with the beginning of active growth.

Read more about the transplant in this article.

Amazon lily blooms from one to three times a year, depending on the conditions. In adults and well-groomed copies, several arrows, crowned with bunch of snow-white fragrant colors, can appear at the same time. The flowering schedule of Euharis will depend on what time there is a period of rest. And although this parameter can be adjusted, it is better to leave the choice for your green friend and allow it to find its own rhythm of activity and peace.

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