This is my city: Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow Daniel Riczi

This is my city: Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow Daniel Riczi 9916_1

About Italian restaurants in Moscow, the disappearance of the old Moscow intelligentsia and the great plans of the Italian Institute of Culture in 2021.

I was born…

In the city of Bari, at the very south of Italy, but I have little connected with him: all my life I lived in the north, in Vicenza, from where my parents were like, and in Venice. I did not return to Bari from the moment of moving to Vicenza, from 7 years. I consider myself northern Italian.

Now I live ...

From August 2020, I live in Moscow, I moved here, becoming the director of the Italian Institute of Culture.

I love to walk in Moscow ...

According to the boulevard ring, along the alleys between the old Arbat and the Prechistenka, along the Ivanovo slide.

My favorite area in Moscow ...


My unloved area in Moscow ...

"Moscow City". He does not fit into the appearance of Moscow.

In restaurants ...

I happen, most often I go to the restaurants of Russian cuisine. I generally love Russian cuisine, but, of course, it all depends on the cook and place. I am pleased to go to fish restaurants. In Italian restaurants in Moscow, I am very rare.

A place in Moscow, where I'm going all the time, but I can't get there ...

Reading room №1 Lenni, as I still call it. I spent there a lot of time working on research when I used to come to Moscow for internships or on business trips. In this arrival was not there never.

The main difference between Muscovites from residents of other cities ...

It makes sense, probably, compare Muscovites with residents of other of the same large cities. But the size of the city, his rhythm alone impose a print on the lifestyle of people, impose a certain lifestyle, make it everywhere similar. Although, of course, some features of the national mentality are preserved, which make Muscovites other than the inhabitants of other large cities in the world.

Moscow is better than in New York, Berlin, Paris, London ...

When I arrived here six months ago, I was surprised to find that living here in some respects is better than in many large European cities. In any case, it is better than in Italy. There are indicators of public well-being, which are higher here than what I have seen in New York, Berlin, Paris, London, is not talking about Rome. Moscow - the city is very clean, in general, safe, transport works well, the infrastructure is very developed ... a lot of amenities. For example, the Internet services system works very well: you order anything else on the Internet, everything is quickly delivered to the house ... Under the conditions of a pandemic, this greatly facilitates life, makes people more free, less cut restrictions. I can only rejoice at Moscow.

In Moscow, over the past decade has changed ...

Moscow was very transformed. And it is surprising, with what speed these changes occurred. From the former Moscow and her way of life there is almost nothing left. At least by what I can judge: I live and work in the center, I have prosperous living conditions. But what I see around myself is the city that has become modern in all respects, in every sense of the word. People themselves became more modern, keep up with the times, and that's good. Of course, something lost: for example, from the lifestyle of the old Moscow intelligentsia, from her image of thinking, from its value system a little remains, and this, of course, I'm sorry. In people belonging to the intelligentsia, now, as a rule, other goals and ideals.

I want to change in Moscow ...

Traffic, traffic jams. This is a trite, but if it was better here in this regard, I would (almost) did not find flaws in Moscow.

I miss Moscow ...


If not Moscow, then ...

I would accurately replied: if not Moscow, then any capital of Western Europe. But rather ten years ago, in a slightly different time. I generally love big cities. Although in Him in Italy I live in Venice, in the most incommodated city in the world, and I own a house in a tiny town in the central strip of Italy with a population of 50 inhabitants!

In Moscow, I can most often catch me except work and home ...

In taxi.


The first stage of a large-scale international competition of illustrations to the most famous work of Gianni Rodari was completed - "Draw Chipollino in the spirit of the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920s," which I entered the jury last year at the invitation of EXMO publishing house. More than 500 professional and novice artists from Russia, Italy, from Ukraine, from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan and not only have already been attended in the competition. There is a difficult choice!

In 2021 ...

The Italian Institute of Culture has many online projects. We have already launched a film cycle about modern art, which will go all year. These are video aligns about Italian or somehow connected with Italy, about the art of our time as a whole. We also launch entire series of conversations with Italian cultural figures: every month we spend six meetings for a certain topic, for example, in March it will be managed in the museum sphere and curability, in April - modern Italian composers, in May - poets ... Despite the difficult situation We continue to organize offline projects: February 24 In the October Cinema, the traditional film festival "From Venice to Moscow" starts, on March 26, the cycle of literary and music concerts begins on Italian topics in the Russian State Library, and in the Institute's building itself, we regularly hold small Meetings. All this is only a small part of the projects of the Italian Institute of Culture in 2021, you can talk about them for a long time, so it is better to subscribe to the newsletter of our site, so as not to miss anything interesting. From what does not fall into the newsletter, I want to mention a number of publications that we intend to publish, among them the bilingual anthology of modern Italian and Russian poetry in translation. And much more.

Photo: Provided by the press service of the publishing group "Eksmo-AST"

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