Tokayev is not satisfied with how anti-crisis funds government and akima


Tokayev is not satisfied with how anti-crisis funds government and akima

Tokayev is not satisfied with how anti-crisis funds government and akima

Astana. January 26th. KazTAG - President Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev is not satisfied with how the government and Akima spend the anti-crisis funds, the agency correspondent reports.

"Significant anti-crisis funds from the budget should be effectively used. I charged the government and the akims to strengthen the work on the increase in local content in procurement. However, this order is being carried out unsatisfactory, "Tokayev said on an extended meeting of the Cabinet on Tuesday.

He clarified that in the nine months of 2020 the total volume of regulated purchases of goods, works and services was T12.5 trillion.

"Our economy has long been almost half of this amount. Approximately T6.5 trillion or 52% were directed to local goods and services. Within the framework of the employment road card, the share of local content amounted to 87%. Violation of planned indicators is allowed in seven regions. I want to emphasize once again - no one removed the task of increasing the share of Kazakhstani content. We have no right to subsidize imports of trillions of budget funds. Therefore, budget administrators will bear personal responsibility, "Tokayev said.

Recall that in early May, the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev in an interview with the Gazeta "Semene Kazakhstan" reported that the procedure for the distribution of funds changed in Kazakhstan, and promised that in the context of the crisis in the country to budget funds will not buy furniture and cars. Mia Kaztag from the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic monitors the effective distribution of public funds by monitoring the portal of public procurement. For example, as agency found out, lots for the purchase of passenger cars, furniture and many other tenders are placed as contrary to the promises of the head of state and contrary to the current situation, when Kazakhstanis turned out to be forced at their own expense to buy oxygen cylinders, IVL devices and medicines for the treatment of COVID-19, To save the lives of their relatives. Read more in the material "Tender during the plague - as in coronacrises spend state institutions, contrary to the promise of Tokaeva."

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