House care rules for the owners of fluffy pets


The emergence of pets is a lot of positive and joyful moments. Of course, at the same time, the owners are faced with constant household troubles. For example, if the dog came from the street, then a lot of dust and dirt also accumulates on his paws. Also with pets constantly rapts wool. To facilitate the lives of people, it is recommended to take into account the tips presented below.

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Circle is wool

With the onset of seasonal molting, each animal loses a large amount of wool. For this reason, a sufficiently large amount of wool is accumulated on the surface of the upholstered furniture. This problem is in dire with the owners:

  • dogs;
  • cats;
  • rodents.

As a result, the owners have to regularly use the vacuum cleaner. If you do not want to constantly use this technique, it can be replaced with a brush or a broom with electric power.

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Note! To reduce the amount of wool, it is recommended to make combing pets. It is easier to do with a special comb.

Even the most fashionable inventions will not help completely eliminate all traces of the presence of wool. If no one suffers from allergies among households, it will not be so important.

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Protection against claws

Cats often accurate claws directly about the wallpaper, which then lose their appeal. Do not immediately scold them, but it is better to take the initiative on yourself and attach the pets of the pet in a more suitable place.

If the apartment has sufficient area, it is quite possible to purchase a special cogged. Its choice depends on the fantasy of the owners and material opportunities. The simplest device is easy to do at home. To do this, it will be necessary to prepare a stable foundation and it is tightly coached solid twine. Modern stores meet a wide variety of configurations. For cats, you can buy a wall mat, a house and a tube.

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Cat Metit Surface

If the owners noticed that the cat begins to mark the territory, it is recommended that it is at that moment to take it for the shake and slightly sound. Next, you can slightly click the pets on the face of the pet. In this case, it is important to just scare a cat a little, and not hurt.

It is not always possible to notice the desire of the cat in a timely manner, so the marked territory should be carefully laundered and make another label. It is at the very place that you need to apply any perfume or cologne. It is quite suitable for the placement of things with the same strong aroma. If you start upbringing a cat from his early age, then a high probability of preventing labels inside the house is high.

In the house several animals

Some people prefer to make a cat and a dog at the same time, because they are able to get along and find mutual understanding. It should only be careful that there is no hassle between the pet. Each animal needs its own place to relax and taking feed.

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It is better to give preference to Miscu with stands. If we talk about the depth of the cup, it is important to turn into account in the breed and age. To select a feline bowl, it is recommended to decide on the material from which it is made.

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