Thriller "Spy, come out!". What is "Mole" in the English "Circus"?

Poster for the film "Spy, come out!"

Spyware is different, but is always spyware? Let's go through the card file.

Here, for example, the "spy next door", the title seems to hint. We look. Alas, just a primitive family comedy, let and with the pet of the public Jackie Chan.

Next, on the list "Spies like us." Yes, it is really about them, only about the most non-plastic representatives of this profession. Pretty famous satirical absurd comedy of the mid-80s.

Maybe "Spy that loved me"? No, this is one of the Bondian series, and James Bond, although the Agent of British intelligence, but has long been a secret character. Brand. Idol. Superhero. But not a spy.

Frame from the film "Spy, Get out!"

For obvious reasons, we miss similar "superperson" Jason Born and Itan Khanta ("Mission Impossible"), and also resembling kicking the foot of the miscarriage in the form of "children of spies." From the rear rows, they suggest about the Russian megalbokbaster "Spy", but it is rather from the series "For those who are already very purple - we look at the history of Russia in Malevich's pictures."

Stirlitz - this is a real spy, sorry, scout. And our legendary "seventeen moments of spring" is probably the example of a real spy film in the history of the world cinema. This masterpiece got a decent descendant. Not we, unfortunately. But about us (including) and with our direct participation.

In 2011, the Swede Thomas Alfredson, the author of the original Scandinavian horror "let me, shielded the Roman John Le Carre in England. His tape "Spy, come out!" Received three nominations for Oscar, and was also recognized as the best British film of the year, and this is damn right!

Frame from the film "Spy, Get out!"

... within a foggy Albion "Circus" - this is not only aren with clowns and acrobats, where on Sundays parents lead their kids, but one of the most firmly included in the doubt of the names of the local secret service. Netherized Mi-6. And when the circus starts in the "circus" (with horses or without it), then the state begins to storm.

This happens, for example, when the head of Mi-6 ("master") sends his agent Jim to Pridia (Mark Strong) to Hungary, on a trifling task, and in the end, the poor fence in the back, the international scandal flashes, the appearances and passwords are blocked, and "Host" (John Herrt) and his faithful deputy George Smiley (Gary Oldman) are forced to resign.

It would seem that the end of the story. But the chip is that the accident with the arrival in Hungary is the result of the work of the double agent "CROTA", the deep-eyed in the Mi-6 and merging all the valuable information to opponents. Among the latter, of course, the Soviet Union. In the yard, as-in no way, the seventies, the most height of the "Cold War".

However, the quarrels of Americans also do not circle the secrets and the secrets of their overseas strategic partner. The main thing is that all the data are laid out and brought on a saucer with a blue car. And someone wears, long ago and stubbornly.

Frame from the film "Spy, Get out!"

After the resignation of the "owner" died suddenly, but his distrust of his subordinate passed by inheritance to Smiley. The latter intends to make every effort to emerge this rot from the native intelligence. "Mole" is extremely hither cunning, he knows too much, even more than smiley could imagine. This is clearly one of them, one of the members of the host team.

But how to find a traitor, for so many years managed to pretend to be their friend, a colleague and a combat comrades? Well, smile has their corona methods against rodents ...

I suppose John Le Carre is not particularly imagined, his spy novels are popular around the world, not to mention the territory of the former USSR. Works Le Carre are screenwritten, but not so that often. Approximately a couple of times in a decade. From the most famous that hearing is "Russian House" (1990) with Sean Connery, "Tailor from Panama" (2001) with the participation of the Pierce of Tascan and "Devotee Gardener" (2005) Fernanda Mairelish.

Frame from the film "Spy, Get out!"

All films are worthy, especially the last, but at the audience and readers, they do not cause stormy delight. The most frequent definition occurring in the reviews is "tedious." All because of the love writer to the details and nuances that other masters of the genre are missed by the dynamics.

Actually, specifically the novel "Spy, come out!" Already adapted to the screen, but television. It happened five years after the publication of the book, in 1979. In the then mini-series, the capital role played the famous British actor Alec Guinness. Why the creators of the new film took the basis of this novel, remains a mystery. But thanks for which they took, because it turned out a brilliant, thin and very tense tape. The writer himself of the same opinion and even noted that Gary Oldman coped with a character of Mr. Smiley, rather than the predecessor. Guinness, however, was not offended, because the classics of English cinema is no longer with us for 13 years.

Of course, the audience was not on Le Carre and not on unfamiliar names of the director and screenwriters, but on an enchanting casting. Any Hollywood blockbuster will envy such an acting.

He heads the Parade of Spies Gary Oldman, who pulls this detective plot (in general, rather simple) for an inaccessible level. Methodical, calm as an elephant, a professional to the brain of bones, but not devoid of ordinary human joys - Mr. Smiley, an extra-class scout. His former boss, another movie legend John Hurt, received little time in the film, but managed to lay the foundation of history. More precisely, create fundamentality.

Further on the list of the spy team, against which Smiley and his faithful assistant (Benedict Cumberbatch, the star of the series "Sherlock") lead a dangerous game to search for "CROT" - "Loudyman" (Tinker) Toby Jones, "Tailor" Colin Firth, "Soldier" (Soldier) Kiaran Heinds. Plus, the characters Mark Strong and Tom Hardy, who did not get the place in this countdown, but the film did not decrease into the plot of the film. And if Strong is in many respects repeats its images from previous paintings, then Hardy you will definitely not recognize, he is everywhere different and rightly is considered one of the most talented young actors of the last decade.

Poster of the film "Spy, come out!"

The atmosphere of the film is exactly what the scout work should actually be. This is not a gripping fighter, and not a momentary patheaux drama, but rather routine and yes, the process is found in places. Work is first and foremost, and then the vocation, lifestyle, hobbies and so on. Flash Bakes from a party, who periodically intersperses smiley memories, only prove that spies are also not alien to the joys of office plankton. Someone will ship someone else's wife behind the tree, someone got drunk in Zuzyu, and others relax, sing, dance. All like people. The only exception that tomorrow, any of them can fall as a face on the bridge Budapest with a hole in the back. And the rest because of this incident - to lose work and even life.

In something, the picture of Alfredsson greatly brings to a similar one, how much more dynamic and naturalistic film Spielberg "Munich", I'll write somehow somehow. Anxiety and despair, unknown and betrayal, danger at each angle and there, and here literally make it pushing into the back of the chair. The Swedes have no task to scare the viewer, although thanks to a pair of moments I would not recommend watching his "spy" for the night.

The musical row is not quite attached with the picture, but it does not strain, but even creates an original mood. As if you didn't look like a thriller, but sketches from the life of chess players who play a particularly tight endgame. But do not doubt, it is a good, competently delivered and brilliantly played by a detective.

P. S. Our viewer will be doubly interested in to see the company of the masted Hollywood stars of Russian performers - Konstantin Khabensky and Svetlana Khodchenkov.

Author - Evgeny Zharkov

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