"Archnadzor" said that the renaming of railway stations would deprive the identity of Moscow


The war between the Sobyaninsky Reformed and Staromoshkovskaya Habits always exacerbates when it comes to names.

After starting the MCD-1 and MCD-2, it turned out that the names of some platforms duplicate the names of the metro station stations located in other places. For example, there was a Lublin platform. Entering the MCD, she began to wear the name "Kuban", since the Metro Station "Lublin" is already not far away.

"This is the historical name of the station associated with the village and historical estate with the same name that exists now. The name "Kuban", which is now wearing a former platform of Lublin, is simply sudden from the finger. There, there is really a Kuban Street, which received its name completely accidentally. Initially, it was Street Street in the Moscow region of Lublino and she led to the only station in this city, so its name was more than logical. After 1960, when Lublin became part of Moscow, it became clear that the station in Moscow was not alone. Therefore, the street vokzalnaya gave the first name: Kuban. And now this first thing that happens to replace the historical terrain, the historical district of Moscow. I have no clear explanation for this, except for the blatant ignorance of Moscow history and toponymics, "the" Moscow Gazeta "quotes the coordinator of the Public Movement" Archnadzor ", the historian of railway transport Yuri Egorov.

In his commentary, I explains that, before renaming something, you need to ask the opinion of experts and Muscovites themselves.

Many are dissatisfied with renames, and the explanations of the authorities that the stations with two identical names will create confusion, are not considered as an argument.

"For whom confusion? For Muscovites? And what happened to them? Kolomna no longer confused, Perovo - almost 40 and 25 years old - Lublino. And now suddenly massively sick with topographic cretinism. Authoritatively argue that no topographic cretinism among Muscovites, even in women, as not, is not, "says Muscovite in Facebook-group. (And household sexism as it was and is, apparently.)

On the Archnadzor page, a resident of Kuntsevo told an indicative history in the comments: "Residents of Kuntsevo regions and Fili-Davydkovo objected to renaming the Kuntsevo station to Kuntsevskaya. Missed signatures, writing writing. Railways said that the name would be saved. As a result, the name "Kuntsevo" remained only on the station building - on platforms, in diagrams, at bus stops and in the announcement in Kuntsevskaya buses. They wanted to allegedly avoid confusion, as a result they were confused by those who do not know the area - the Kuntsevskaya Station is announced on the bus, then "Metro Kuntsevskaya". Local, especially the elderly, also shot down with the pantalyk. People constantly ask, this is a subway or not. "

Renaming familiar stations and streets always creates inconvenience, but the Metro Combining from the MCD into a common network made it impossible to exist with the same names yet because it is also because of the route in the same Yandex. Navigator from the Lublin metro station to the MCD station "Lublino "It would be impossible (a complete list of renamed stations). Anyway, it would have to get out and invent some "Lublino-2".

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