Transactions with cars want to translate into non-cash, the concept of "Account-Help" to exclude. Registration can be passed by the notary

Transactions with cars want to translate into non-cash, the concept of

The draft Decree "On Changing the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus" was submitted to the discussion regarding the registration of the car. It consolidates: the sale transactions between the individuals and the legal entities or the IP will have to be carried out on non-cash, and the concept of "invoice" is generally excluded. Another important change - it will be possible to register the transactions not only in the MRO GAI, but also notarisis.

With the full text of the bill on the order of alienation of vehicles can be found on the link.

Registration at the notary

Today, on January 16, public discussions began a draft law. On Saturday, Mart explained one of the innovations: "Contracts between the individuals are subject to registration in the registration offices of the traffic police or in the inspections of the State Protection (hereinafter - registration authorities) or a notarial certificate." That is, for registration you can go to the MRO GAI, and it is possible to notary. At the same time, the notary should indicate the presence of restrictions, prohibitions for the transaction (or on the absence of restrictions).

Mandatory terms of contracts are also defined. Among them are the mention of arrest, the presence of claims the third party and the like. In addition, it will be necessary to register the responsibility of the participants of the transaction, among other things, to indicate incorrect information on the presence of restrictions on the transaction. Conditionally, if the seller is suitable for the purity of sale (for example, that there is no arrest), and then it will open up - he will have to answer. What exactly will the compensation in this case, will be spelled out in the contract itself.

MART clarifies another proposed innovation: "Contracts between the individuals can be registered in the registration authorities in the implementation of the State Registration of the CU or withdrawing them from accounting." This phrase can be understood as follows: the contract can be registered both when setting the machine for accounting and when removing.

Only non-cash

Transactions with variables "Fisliso - Jurlso (IP)" and "Autocomistics (IP) - Customers" are transferred to non-cash. In paragraph 1.5 of the bill, it is said: "Conducting legal entities, IP settlements with individuals, including under the Commission's Agreement, as well as individuals of settlements with legal entities, IP for alienated TCs is allowed only in non-cash form." In the current edition of the Decree "On some measures to streamline transactions on the alienation of vehicles", the method of calculation is not negotiated.

What can it mean? It is assumed that the transfer of calculations in autocomistants and auto-tickets will lead to a more transparent scheme of transactions, the ability to track the cash flow. This minimizes the emergence of fraudsters companies (such as Freshmotors, Avtopapa, Auto Accompanise), and participation in the gray schemes of Auto Choos "unidentified persons", as they write in the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since non-cash can be easier to track, they fall into the field of view of tax authorities, and "unidentified persons" cease to be such.

The word "account-certificate" exclude

The word "score-certificate" in the bill is found twice: with the verbs "replace" (on the "contract of sale") and "exclude". In the current edition of the Decree "On some measures to streamline transactions on the alienation of vehicles", a certificate is called a document confirming the conclusion of the contract of sale.

What is it done for? Again, such a change can hit the pillars. Briefly recall how they act. They ask the seller to cut the vehocport, remove the car from the register, give a photocopy of passport, pass the car and keys. In return give money. Then the discoversion finds the buyer and makes a car on his copy of the passport on behalf of the seller and in the invoice. Account-help can buy any IP. It turns out that the discoversion falls out of the sales chain, and it receives money and is not responsible. The exclusion of the invoice will mean the collapse of the whole scheme.

Public discussion of the draft law will last until January 25.

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