5 popular environmental councils who only harm


Noise around ecology is becoming more and more. People refuse plastic, buy reusable cups, and old things are handed over in second-hand. All this is to reduce your carbon trail - the number of gases that got into the atmosphere of the planet in the manufacture of any goods. Gaza enhance the greenhouse effect - do not give heat to exit the atmosphere. Because of this, the planet heats up faster.

Bloggers give a bunch of environmental councils, but not all of them can be considered useful. Tell me.

5 popular environmental councils who only harm 9895_1

Replace plastic bags on paper

In the selection of plastic - enemy №1, which clogs the planet. If he had been a man, it would certainly have a rope of kittens and killed the old woman. 40% of plastic packages and packages are used once, and after being sent to the trash. Shops are trying to replace plastic bags on paper, but this is also not the best way out - for their production, forests cut down and spend much more resources than in the manufacture of plastic, and the carbon trail is one and a half times more.

What to replace? It is better to buy a fabric chopper or a bag-loss and walk with her to the store. And vegetables and fruits can be bought at all without packing or putting them into special reusable bags.

5 popular environmental councils who only harm 9895_2

Buy an ecocrine, eco-tube, blowing and a bunch of other reusable things

Now many cease to buy coffee in disposable cups - the cardboard is covered with plastic so that it does not melting hot coffee in his hands. And some cafes began to make a discount, if there is your own reusable cup. But it is worth remembering that even reusable things can do from plastic or other materials that are long decomposed and distinguished toxic substances. The only difference is that they are not immediately thrown away.

Therefore, before buying it is worth thinking about whether it is necessary to buy this thing this thing or should be replaced. For example, why buy a set of reusable plastic plugs, if you can just take a plug from the house with you?

5 popular environmental councils who only harm 9895_3

Replace paper books on electronic

It seems that e-books are salvation. They prevent cutting down forests, and a small device can accommodate in itself not one product, and a thousand. But in order to compose harm from the production of a device with a book, it needs to read 23 works. By the way, there is no need to buy an e-book if you already have a tablet or phone.

5 popular environmental councils who only harm 9895_4

Become a vegan and not buy skin things

Researchers from Oxford believe that the refusal of meat and milk will help a person to reduce the carbon footprint by 70%. The fact is that their production requires cutting down a huge amount of forests, and cattle becomes a source of methane - gas, which strongly affects the greenhouse effect.

But the reverse side is that the same cows are used to produce leather products, which are not worn very long and decompose even for a long time, but without consequences. But synthetic fabrics can be decomposed and for 500 years, and when they werehed, tiny pieces of plastic fall into the reservoirs.

5 popular environmental councils who only harm 9895_5

BUY ONLY Organic and Natural Products

Organic products are those that are produced in a natural way or with a minimum number of fertilizers. But this method slows down the time and production volumes that again affects the cutting of forests - manufacturers need a lot of space in order to grow a lot of products. A avocados type products that are grown not everywhere, you need to deliver in different countries. It spends a large amount of fuel and pollutes the atmosphere.

By the way, in America, the "100% Organic / Natural" sticker ensures that the product is really grown in this way. But there is no such law in Russia, therefore, to write that the product ultrasoperbionatural can anyone.

5 popular environmental councils who only harm 9895_6

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