Yellow sweet cherry: Interesting varieties and their features


Good afternoon, my reader. Stable rich harvest, unique taste and juicy berries - the advantages of yellow sweet cherry and the reason for which gardeners prefer yellow varieties classic red. However, much will depend on the choice of a variety, and in order to facilitate this decision, the best varieties with a detailed description are gathered below.

Yellow sweet cherry: Interesting varieties and their features 9872_1
Yellow sweet cherry: Interesting varieties and their features Maria Verbilkova

The cherry of this species has an average duration of ripening, is distinguished by immunity to various diseases that cause a sample mushroom. The tree is not peculiar to rot, it easily transfers frost and grows in a moderate pace. Due to the frost resistance of the plant, 90% of the flowering kidneys are guaranteed even the most severe winters.

Another undisputed advantage of the variety is dense berries weighing up to 6 g, which is characteristic of the juicability and resistance to crack formation. The tree begins to be fron with 5 years after landing, and the harvest is collected in early July.

Plants with a spherical crown that is characterized by frost resistance, a steadily rich harvest and immunity to rot and fruit flies, are also widely popular among gardeners. The taste of berries is unique, a little tart, their color is amber, and the mass is more than 3.5 g. Fruit is a sweet cherry at the end of August, the tree reaches a height of 4 meters.

Yellow sweet cherry: Interesting varieties and their features 9872_2
Yellow sweet cherry: Interesting varieties and their features Maria Verbilkova

Pyramid's thick crown is a distinctive sign of high trees of this variety. Large berries, slightly sampled on the sides, with a sufficient amount of sunlight acquire a beautiful pink shade. Taste quality differ from other types of light sourness, and the fruits do not crack, of which it is easy to extract the oblong bone.

This kind of yellow cherry is derived in Russia, so culture will easily adapt to the conditions of the country's middle strip. An important nuance - a variety is not self-polished, so it is necessary to land near the pollinators plants. Fruit tree begins at the end of June, it can grow up to 3 m.

The variety common worldwide is able to adapt to any conditions, and it is due to its wide popularity: in the country's dachas of Europe and Asia, yellow is often found. The tree is high, his crown is very thick, so the plant takes a lot of space. The main advantage of the species is high yield and later flowering, which protects the tree from the freezing during spring frosts.

Berries of varieties are one of the largest (weight to 8 g), rounded shape, with sweet pulp and transparent juice. In addition, the fruits contain a lot of vitamin C (6.6 mg per 100 g). Abundant harvest, resistance to the disadvantage of moisture and negative temperatures, immunity to fungal diseases - for these benefits is so loved by the studied grade.

Yellow sweet cherry: Interesting varieties and their features 9872_3
Yellow sweet cherry: Interesting varieties and their features Maria Verbilkova

Such trees are actively growing, ripen early, but not frozen in the spring. The variety is most often grown in the Central Region of Russia, but also in other areas this yellow cherry love.

Berries are covered with thin skin, and inside there is a juicy yellow flesh. The disadvantages of varieties include an impressive bone weight, but it is very easy to separate it from the pulp. Another minus of the species is the need for regular trimming.

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