"Instagmera" again were fascinated by "Photoshop"


Without graphic editors, the world would be gray and dull, people are ordinary and without any outstanding traits. But someone smartly invented "Photoshop", and the other - social networks, replacing live communication, announcements of dating in newspapers and later - on TV. In the animal world, it's easier: Nature itself thought out the mechanisms of creating creatures to continue the genus. People came up with new ones.

Cosmetics, haircuts, clothes - they require a lot of time and money. There are simpler ways to ensure your own attractiveness - with the help of the same graphic editors. However, in some cases the process comes too far, and the current selection is an example of this.

In instagram advertising of dental services (or toothpaste, it does not matter) a little overreach with the number of teeth

Eyewitnesses argue that in the profile of the hostess of this photo, all pictures - a similar plan

Left - Instagram. Right - Frame from TV

Sems Legit.

And again the struggle of Instagram and television. Who has won?

Whether the lens is incorrect, or an alert. Or again "photoshop"?

This guy knows

Somewhere this girl has already flashed ...

And this Indian guy knows how to emphasize his beauty

The owner of the photo says that all its forms - "Genetics and Nature"

Almost Harry Potter. But most likely no

Now the struggle between "inskaya" and paparazzi

A little makeup and "Photoshop" will not damage

Singer from Croatia

Promotecto events and photos from the events

In the photo - the infoenser with a million subscribers. Promotes the idea of ​​a bodiposive, but he does not follow himself (and you - a challenge for attentiveness)

It is not very clear what is reduced, but what increased

You yourself yourself, what kind of photos - for "Insta", and which are just a photo

Being in Berlin

But with this bodybilder, not everything is so obvious. Just in case, you will place another photo below

Need to remove a little excess on the waist?

Some new fashion for puppet proportions of the body?

It is important to be able to hide the shortcomings.

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