5 Russian New Year comedies for which we are ashamed

5 Russian New Year comedies for which we are ashamed 987_1
5 Russian New Year comedies, for which we are ashamed by Anna Kaz

The domestic film industry is constantly producing low-grade ribbons for the mass viewer in the hope that no one will find fault, and the creators will make the scheduled cashier. The genre of the Russian New Year comedy of this fate, unfortunately, did not escape. Time Out chose the 5 worst representatives: Viewing any of these films is guaranteed to deprive you of a festive mood.

"SOS, Santa Claus, or everything will come true!", 2015

On the eve of the new year, the parents of Eagle's light break up. Communicating Santa Claus, in the costume of which is actually hiding a fraudster, she asks to make mom and dad to be together.

Despite the fact that the faces of Urgant and Svetlakov were replaced by paleans, Nazarov, Akinshina and Babenko, the film still sends in the plot. Spectators celebrate many non-promotion: "How does a scatter know how mom looks like?", "How will he understand, what key he needs?" And many other similar questions Cassu Rent do not.

Actually, what can I say about, if the character with the surname Pushkin hoverings it on his way: "Puskin". Apparently, the creators set themselves as a goal of a sobbing viewer. But alas, not from laughter.

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"Santa Claus. Battle of Mages ", 2016

On December 24, 2016, in Russian cinemas, Alexander Varta film was released "Santa Claus. Fedor Bondarchuk plays the main role playing the major role. The girl Masha constantly merry terrible monsters, because of what classmates constantly mock it. Once in the center of Moscow, it becomes a witness of the battle of evil creatures with young men. From one of them, the girl learns about the existence of Santa Claus, who, together with its brothers, protects the Earth from the invasion of the Dark Forces.

The author of the script Alexander Varta boldly confessed that our country is not very able to shoot fantasy. Actually, the miracle did not work out and he himself.

A ridiculous and bulky scenario together with pathos dialogues and bad graphics turns out to be another passage ribbon, the production of which, nevertheless, considerable amounts were spent. Critics were sworded victorious, defeating the ribbon in the fluff and dust, and the audience, as well as the Litagesky, who did not believe in virtue of the modern domestic fantasy, were in no hurry to look at Santa Claus with Fedor Bondarchuk.

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"Trees last", 2018

The creators promised that allegedly the last part of the filmalman Timur Bekmambetov would become the most touching and magical of all, because the heroes would say goodbye to the audience. It turned out the opposite. If the first two parts of the franchise about six handshakes and needles on the same Christmas tree were at least primitive, but still good and touching, then the farther the creators went, the more stupid and vulgarly became the plot.

As a result, the series turned out to be not a harbinger of the New Year's mood, but by the demonstration of the same persons (as if few of the federal TV channels were!) And the endless advertising of everything, anything.

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"Gentlemen, good luck!", 2012

The remake of the masterpiece of the Soviet classics turned out to be another mockery over the unprepared viewer. The unbelievable comedy from the producer of Timur Bekmambetova, which is best looking at the role of an exclusive seller, but not a lightweight Creator.

The only thing about the contemporary tape and the original is a schematic plot. Animator Lesha Treshkin turns out to be a twin of the thief and the killer of the emoticon, which abducts from the St. Petersburg Museum National Symbol of Kazakhstan, the Armor of the Golden Warrior.

Treshkin, forced to help a consequence in the capture of a criminal, goes to prison to Egypt, where two Eyelik accomplices are sitting ... Look at this, of course, it is impossible.

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"Wonderland", 2015

It was apparently to parasitize on the genre of the Russian New Year's comedy, apparently, our cinematographers have become a certain trend. Alas, the spectators will no longer surprise the release of another meaningless tape with recognizable acting composition and non-jokes about the "people". While the "Christmas tree" moved a little to the side, "Quartet and" together with other participants of the ribbons were hung up and released their version of the filmalman, where pre-holiday stories are happening from the heroes from different cities of our Motherland.

It would seem that the participation of the team from the Moscow Theater should have made humor thinner and funnier - but unfortunately it is not. Although their novella definitely wins against the rest of the rest, in general, all this reminds a bowl with Olivier, which is added to all the little.

In addition, it is obvious that the creators here are not just pushed their heroes, but frankly mock them. Here you are the kindest and bright holiday.

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