Three completely new recipe for New Year's table

Three completely new recipe for New Year's table 9864_1

On the eve of the New Year, all the mistress reflect on what to cook on the table and how to surprise guests with an unusual and completely new New Year's menu.

We bring to your attention three new recipes for your New Year's table

On the eve of the New Year, all the mistress reflect on what to cook on the table and how to surprise guests with an unusual and completely new New Year's menu. After all, Olivier, the keeper and fur coat are certainly good, but every year I want something new and unusual.

Salad "Fir-tree"
Three completely new recipe for New Year's table 9864_2

For cooking you need: 250 grams of champignons, 200 grams of smoked cheese, 4 pieces of chicken eggs, 2 pieces of carrots, 100 grams of mayonnaise, 30 grams of vegetable oil, 30 grams of dill and salt to taste.

At first, you need to wash mushrooms and cut into medium slices, and onion by half rings. Then, put the frying pan on fire, pour vegetable oil and heated it a bit. Pour onions and mushrooms on the frying pan, add a pinch of salt. All mix and fry 10 minutes on medium heat, stirring constantly.

Smoked cheese rubbed on a large grater, and carrots boil 30 minutes until readiness. Cool, clean and rub on a small grater to a half carrot, and half will go to the decoration. Eggs drunk twisting 10 minutes. They need to cool, clean and grate on a large grater. Dill grind the knife, and before that, do not forget to cut the stems.

For the first layer you need to mix mayonnaise with cheese and mushrooms, so that the mushrooms glued well and the salad did not crumble. I spread the first layer on the plate, forming a Christmas tree. We try to tamper everything well so that it turns out a smooth surface without tubercles.

The second layer is laying a mixed carrot with mayonnaise. Also trambam and flattering fork. If you mix carrots with mayonnaise at once, then it will be more convenient to apply, and mayonnaise will go less. Then the third layer - eggs. They are also mixed with mayonnaise and put.

The final layer is decorative - this is dill. Rudely sprinkle salad so that he looks like a Christmas tree. As decorations, you can use the remnants of carrots, red peppers, olives, polka dots, corn. And instead of the garland you can use mayonnaise.

Salad "First Snow"
Three completely new recipe for New Year's table 9864_3

For the preparation of New Year's lettuce, you will need: 150 grams of chicken fillet, 40 grams of walnuts, 2 eggs, 80 grams of solid cheese, 70 grams of mayonnaise, 1 dessert lingonberry spoon and 70 grams grapes.

To begin with, we prepare all the necessary ingredients. I boost eggs on medium heat for 12 minutes and cool. This can be done by putting them under cold water. In addition, so they will be better cleaned. Grapes need to be washed and remove branches. Chicken fillet dare on medium heat until readiness. Remove meat from the broth and put in the plastic bag and leave it up to the cooling. Thus, fillets will remain gentle and does not harde. If everything is booed in advance, then you will spend on the preparation of salad no more than 15 minutes.

A cooled chicken fillet needs to be chopped and put on the bottom of the plate, giving a round shape. It is impossible to use warm products in cold salads - the salad will deteriorate faster. Lubricate mayonnaise, and then put fine chopped walnuts. After, again, put the layer of mayonnaise on the nuts. Solid soda cheese on medium grater and fold it with a smooth layer on top and salad sides. It should be slightly pressing with a dry spoon. So he will not stick. Then apply the mayonnaise to the top and the joke of cheese.

Eggs should be divided into protein and yolk. Yolksching and put the back of salad. Lubricate the entire surface of the salad by mayonnaise. Black grapes Cut on halves, remove the bones and put the back of the salad, and with grazing squirrels cover the salad sides.

Salad "Bull"
Three completely new recipe for New Year's table 9864_4

The list of ingredients is enough for the preparation of 8 servings. To form a head, you need: 500 grams of chicken fillet, 110 grams of solid cheese, 240 grams of pineapples, 200 grams of canned corn, 3 chicken eggs, 40 grams of walnuts, 1 clove of garlic and 100 grams of mayonnaise.

For the preparation of rozing and the dumplings will be needed: 90 grams of solid cheese, 90 grams of melted cheese, 30 grams of carrots, 1 garlic clove and 60 grams of mayonnaise.

Also, for decoration needed: 3 pieces of olives, 100 grams of boiled sausage and 1 egg.

For a beautiful design, three different salads are needed, which are harmonized with each other. To create a head of the bull, a salad with corn, pineapples, chicken with mayonnaise. First, wash the meat and dry it with a towel. Fillet cut into thin strips along the fibers as possible. And then these strips across the fibers. You must get the cubes about one and a half centimeters. Meat put into the colander, add a bit of flour and shake well. So the meat will be juicy.

Heat the frying pan on high heat. Immediately, all meat put with a hot oil. Do not hurry to interfere - give pieces to grab and shivered. And then mix a couple of times. Fry is needed about 4 minutes. Remove the finished meat from the stove, add pepper and salt. Let him stand under the lid, and then cool.

Meat put into a deep plate Add corn, finely chopped pineapple and chopped nuts. Cheese soda on a shallow grater, and eggs on a large. At this stage, the salad bowl and remove in the fridge for the night. You need to fill and stir only before feeding, or by offsetting the thematic figure of the bull. To refill garlic squeeze into mayonnaise.

In order to create horns and a dumpster need a cheese salad. For the root, finely soda two cheeses, squeeze garlic and fill mayonnaise. Salad divide, add fresh carrots to the third part. From this part you need to make a potter.

Turn the salad into a bull Start, as close as possible to the feed on the table so that the design does not lose a presentable look. Prepare cooking. Cut from boiled sausage Cut ears and nose. From eggs - eye proteins. Nostrils, eyes and eyebrows - from Maslin.

Lay out everything by forming the necessary form, and when both lettuits are laid out on a plate, sprinkle with grated cheese and egg. Before feeding, decorate the plate with greens.

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