"Unfortunately" - Ioshpe shortly before the departure answered Khamek Pugacheva


Alla Borisovna very rudely responded about Alla Yakovlevna

Alla Ioshpe, Stakhman Rakhimov, Proza.Ru

Farewell to the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Alla Ioshpe will be held today at noon, the singer left his life on the 84th year from life. Alla Yakovlevna and Stakhman Rakhimov were married from 1960s, they were called one of the strongest couples in the world of show business - spouses connected almost impossible loyalty and love. And in recent years, they appeared everywhere together - even on different talk shows were inseparable! The audience admired and dismissed this pair on "Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov and in the "Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. The constancy of Alla Ioshpe seems the exact opposite of the lovingness of Alla Pugacheva. After all, Priadonna married 5 times, and the last husband is under her for 27 years. But, as it turns out, the artist loved to put stamps in the passport not only because of the new love - she wanted to be the center of attention!

We were recently in America. Sit in the room, suddenly the call is heard: "You did not read this unknown article?" - "No, what?" - "Now we will bring you." Brought, read - Interview with Alla Pugacheva. Journalist's question: why are you with one, then with another: then Philip, then Galkin? Alla answers: Well, how, the acting fate is this: if I had been with one all the time, we would have forgotten the same as Ioshpe and Rakhimov "

- remembered Ioshpe in one of the interviews.

Alla Pugacheva, Eva.ru

According to Alla Yakovlevna, she was amazed by the words of colleagues. After all, to whom, as not she, was not to know about the reasons for the persecution of the famous singing duet. After the singer wanted to leave to Israel for treatment, she was not only not released, but the injury began - the prohibition of speeches, the destruction of records ...

Dear Alla Borisovna. Thank you for the fact that you have not forgotten us, they mentioned VSE. But you forgot that we destroyed the Soviet car. Therefore, my dear, we are not at the cost today. And not because I did not throw a husband or he me. On your part, such a statement looks, to put it mildly, unfortunately. And to be more accurate - it is impolite and ineffable

- explained Alla Yakovlevna.

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