Vladimir Emelyanov. What happened to Kupriyanov from the movie "Gulm-River"


The Soviet actor of the theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR Vladimir Emelyanov can be familiar to the eldest generation of our readers according to the merchant of Yakov Kupriyanov in a multi-sized outdoor historical drama Yaropolka Lapshina "Ugryum-River" or on the projects "Pedagogical poem", "Vorthern hostile" and "Horsemen revolutions. "

Vladimir Emelyanov. What happened to Kupriyanov from the movie

People's Artist of the RSFSR Vladimir Emelyanov played Yakov Kupriyanov in the Motheric film "Ugryum-River". How was his fate?

Theater of working young people

Vladimir Emelyanov appeared on June 20, 1911 in Perm. After school, he entered just opened in his hometown of theater of working young people in his hometown, who had not even had its own building. Playing on stage with other unprofessional actors, Emelyanov in parallel studied in the Studio of the Moscow Prel Tole. In 1937, he entered the body of the Molotovsky Theater. "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Vladimir Emelyanov. What happened to Kupriyanov from the movie
Vladimir Emelyanov in the film "Vorki hostile"

After the start of the Great Patriotic War, Vladimir was distributed to Agitbrigadid, which has repeatedly leaving the front to raise the combat spirit of the Red Army soldier, gave performances directly near the trenches. In 1953, two important events occurred in the life of Emelyanov: he was admitted to the theater. Vakhtangov and played his first role in the cinema, in the historic drama "Vortex hostile", where appeared in the image of Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Vladimir Emelyanov. What happened to Kupriyanov from the movie
Vladimir Emelyanov in the film "Pedagogical Poem"

This first role determined the career development vector of the actor. After Dzerzhinsky, he was offered to play front of production, red commanders and other exceptionally positive characters. The film "Pedagogical Poem" was a big success for Vladimir Nikolayevich, where he reincarnated in Anton Makarenko. The actor returned to the role of a great teacher in 1958 in the picture "Flags on the towers".


At the beginning of the sixties, Vladimir Emelyanov appeared in the Sci-fantastic film of Pavel Klushhanseva "Planet Storms", where the Captain of the spacecraft played. In real life, the actor also knew how to lead people: he held senior positions on the film studio. Gorky, repeatedly elected by the People's Deputy. Colleagues recalled that Vladimir Nikolaevich was always sought to reduce any conflict in the team to "no", find a compromise solution. Emelyanov did not like to refuse to people and always tried to make more others that he was destroyed.

Vladimir Emelyanov. What happened to Kupriyanov from the movie
Vladimir Emelyanov in the film "I was a satellite of the Sun"

In 1975, four films were published with the participation of Vladimir Emelyanov. Already elderly actor worked, I do not regret myself, and almost did not resist. In July of the same year, he left for shooting in Donetsk. There was a terrible heat, but Vladimir Nikolaevich worked the 12-hour shift, after which he went to relax in the hotel. On June 2, 1975, when the actor did not go down to breakfast, his colleagues were alarming. The door of the Emelyanov's room was revealed and found that the actor lies on the floor unconscious. The doctors arriving at the place were diagnosed in a 64-year-old artist stroke. A few hours later, Vladimi Emelyanov left his life in one of the hospitals of Donetsk.

Vladimir Emelyanov. What happened to Kupriyanov from the movie
Vladimir Emelyanov in the film "Waiting for a miracle"

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