Balakovtsy about roads and courtyards: "Everything froze, the river, the garbage cars are stuck, the ambulance and the fireman will not erupt, they threw people"

Balakovtsy about roads and courtyards:

Residents of the city of Balakovo are outraged by the state of roads and courtyard territories. In social networks and chat "Improvement of the city" a lot of complaints with photos and addresses. Balakovtsy show what ruts were formed on the roads because of the unclean snow during thaw. In the courtyards there was a snow porridge, puddles, cars are stuck.

"Called to the peak on the purification of the courtyard steppe 27/2, 27/1, they said that they were cleared to asphalt. There were no techniques at all! Who controls the performance of work? "," This disgrace, 2 days thawed a single tractor in Zhilyodé did not see, everything frozen, the river, the garbage cars are stuck, the ambulance and the fire will not pass, people threw people. Volodin will be pleased, the voters felt the beauty of the inaction of power. The Balakovo district, from which he will be elected, remained completely "," I realized that questions in the group set about the schedule for the cleaning of yards is useless. We do not communicate with the administration and among themselves "- they write in the chat. To some addresses, the inhabitants complained about past days, some write gratitude for the clearing.

"Do you have the same in the yard? Kamaz, who had to come and remove the garbage, turned around and left. The driver said that he was tired to dig and he would not erupt "," in a green grove, I watch us people do not live?! 5 cars in the morning stuck !!! Hour could not do anything! As a result, the tractor came, pulled out one car and left !! Administration Remember our existence please !!! "," Administration Please pay attention to our yards ...... a lot of snow .... Help…. Anonymously please. Nab 50 years old VLKSM 5- Write in the Typical Balakovo group.

There are a lot of complaints, and in the comments, Balakovtsy often irrigate that the awards have already received responsible for cleaning.

We will remind, in January, by the end of the month, the director of Balavutodore, Nikolai Suldin, filed documents for a premium in the amount of 100% for the implementation of all the criteria allegedly without comments and violations identified. And the deputies from "United Russia" and the head of the Balakovo district said that he deserved the award, the roads are clean well, you only need to strengthen the work in the courtyards where contractors work.

Balakovtsy about roads and courtyards:
Balakovtsy about roads and courtyards:
Balakovtsy about roads and courtyards:
Balakovtsy about roads and courtyards:
Balakovtsy about roads and courtyards:
Balakovtsy about roads and courtyards:
Balakovtsy about roads and courtyards:

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