The virologist gave a forecast for the Spring Situation with the COVID-19 Pandemic

The virologist gave a forecast for the Spring Situation with the COVID-19 Pandemic 9812_1

In the center of the Gamalei, they told how spring warming will affect the incidence of coronavirus.

Virologist Alexander Butenko believes that the arrival of spring and good weather Social activity in society will increase, and this can provoke an increase in the number of infected coronavirus infection.

Alexander Butenko, Virologist of the Center for the Gamalei Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: "In the spring, more comfortable weather conditions will come compared with February, which largely limits the contacts of people. When warming comes, the contacts should increase, people will just walk more, walk, move. Social activity may increase, and this can increase the number of illness. "

The expert is confident that COVID is not too dependent on the season and represents the same danger at any time of the year. And by itself, the seasonal factor does not play roles in the dynamics of the epidemic process.

Alexander Butenko: "It turned out that in tropical countries, where all the time is a high temperature, there is no seasonality. Two bright examples are Brazil and India. The virus is transmitted from a sick person healthy with close contact, when talking, with sneezing, with cough, therefore it is a all-season illness, I think so. "

Butenko also recalled the need to comply with all sanitary rules, since the decline in morbidity is not yet a victory over the epidemic.

Alexander Butenko: "Two factors are in aggregate are very important - the acquisition of natural immunity after the suffering disease or with the disease that has passed asymptomatic and vaccination. When, in the aggregate, the number of immune persons will reach 60-70%, these will already be factors that are sharply limiting the incidence. And the third factor is the observance of all sanitary rules that are recommended. "

Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, the chief sanitary doctor of Russia reported that the threat of infection with coronavirus was still high, despite the improvement of the epidemic situation. Anna Popova also stated that the test of Russian Vaccines from COVID proved their effectiveness against the "British" strain of coronavirus infection. And in WHO confirmed that the "South African" version of the coronavirus - as well as the "British" variety of COVID - is distinguished by increased infinity.

Based on: Sputnik.

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