Alyosha and emptiness

Alyosha and emptiness 9807_1

People go crazy because of words ...

Aleshka comes from school and says:

- So, I have a new theory, which no one understands. Now look (a blank sheet is enough) - what color is it?

- White.

- And wall?

- White.

- And a T-shirt?

- Belaya

- But this is all different white, isn't it?

- Is not it.

- And not the fact that you and I see the "white" equally!

- Is not a fact.

- Or here is the table. This table (touches mine), this table (goes to the kitchen), this is the table (children's table of Adam), but these are all different items, of different sizes, from different materials and with different amounts of legs. Or here is the house. This word is called quite! different! things! And everyone imagines his own!

- And? Let's rather climax!

- Well, how do people understand each other?! If in fact they see different white, they mean different items under the word "house", "table", "man", "good", "bad", etc. ...

- Ooooooooo! Keep thought.

"Just when we were all small, we were told" it's white "," and this is a house. " And before they said, it was not white and no home. It was something solid, big, gray, rough ... or you never know. But it was true, before it was called. And after it became well .... Just so that everything is clearly understood what you mean.

- convention.

- Yes! That is, when we were small, everyone was inflated. Type, people agreed that we will call "something like this" table. But in fact, there is no such - "table", there are different items. And okay "table". This is an innocent word. And when people say, say, about politics or homosexuals, they go crazy precisely because of this. All are talking about different, "approximal" does not work!

- Soaaa!

- My theory is that all wars because of the language. Everything broke at the moment when everyone was babies and stopped seeing everything, as it really is, but began to call in words. All this confusion is copied and copied in the head, while people do not begin to go crazy and kill. Moreover, just because it should help them "approximately" to understand each other - because of the language.

- amazing. Just awesome. And what did you teach today? Where in general ..?

- Yes, about Hitler, about anyone else.

- This was unexpected.

- It was necessary to write, why fascism rose in Germany, and everyone was crazy.

- And what did you write?

- That's all wrote.

- Eeee ... is far from the topic.

- People go crazy because of words. Words are the root of evil, mom, any evil, and Hitler too. Where too closer.

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