The secret of black frozards on sunflower will help to solve drones

The secret of black frozards on sunflower will help to solve drones 9786_1

Black Drokes - the largest population of birds in North America. Approximate assessment of damage from them is 200 million dollars annually. Concerns among the authorities causes the health of people and animals in areas where large flocks are winter, especially in urban areas. There are serious concerns about the safety of aircraft / airports. Efforts are being made to create a national plan to combat a huge population of black drokes.

Most often on feathered pests complain of sunflower manufacturers.

Researchers from the University of North Dakota and the National Association of Sunflower US asking manufacturers of this culture (as those who left this industry and the current players) take part in the survey. Data estimates for damage caused by black stuffed, scientists are collected since the 1980s.

Sunflower manufacturers can scan the QR code and fill out a 15-minute survey on their mobile phones. According to Mallory White, graduate student at the university, questions are focused on crop production, damage to the harvest and methods of combating birds that manufacturers are used on their farms. Answers to a survey will help researchers understand the readiness of farmers to try out new tools for studying the behavior of Drozdov and their control, such as drones.

Usually, for reducing habitats, farmers are treated with glyphosate, all nearby wetlands, preferred for birds. Most often, the fisheries and wilderness of the United States agrees to the glyphosate spraying of its wetlands from Rhoze. The effectiveness of such treatment is 4 years or more.

The desiccation of sunflower glyphosate also allows you to reduce the term of the crop vulnerability for feathered pests.

Another control method lies in the agreements between farmers and local hunting clubs, whose members receive a notice of the arrival of black thrills, that is, about the beginning of hunting. Noise guns against the throsdes are not too effective, since the birds quickly get used to loud sound. Yes, and to fall at night when black frozards do not like anxiety.

Such devices such as UAV and repellents are now considered as new methods of scaring birds both in the field and in the urban environment.

The Association of Sunflower Manufacturers financed a study to evaluate and comparing the effectiveness of two BPLP platforms (for example, the Fourthwing aircraft from the DMZ from Fourthwing and Quadcopter from DMZ) to scare up black drosses from sunflowers.

Platforms of aircraft and quadcopters have different flight options, which allows to compare different methods.

UAVs with a fixed wing can overcome long distances and withstand strong wind.

Alternatively, the BPLA quadcopter has better maneuverability and greater flight speed. Differences in the performance of two BPL platforms will allow testing different methods and choose the appropriate.

In addition, repellents as a means of control are of great interest. Agrarians are waiting that new products will be released on the market as soon as possible.


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