Russian authorities want to control voice communications in messengers

Russian authorities want to control voice communications in messengers 9740_1

The Federal Agency Communication (Rossvyaz) is considering the possibility of introducing licensing services on the territory of the Russian Federation for services and applications that allow calls over the Internet to urban and mobile phones. It is noted that licensing of messengers will allow domestic security authorities easier to control such services.

Rossvyaz announced a tender on the portal of state procurement, in which the Contractor will have to conduct research on the possibility of introducing licensing on the territory of the Russian Federation for messengers to perform calls in public networks. The total cost of work of this kind is estimated by the Office of 50.2 million rubles.

The main task of the contractor will be the analysis of existing voice traffic mission systems on web protocols, the creation of a "road map" implementation of licensing and preparation of proposals for changing federal legislation in this direction.

To services that allow you to perform calls to mobile and urban numbers via the Internet include:

  • Skype;
  • Viber;
  • Whatsapp and many others.

Representatives of the messengers refused to comment the initiative of the Russian authorities.

It is worth recalling that licensing for messengers has already tried to introduce MTS in 2013. Then the Russian telecom operator stated that foreign services are competitors, but do not invest in the infrastructure of cellular networks. At the same time, the activity of messengers in the territory of the Russian Federation was not regulated.

Information security experts note that the control of calls that are performed through messengers is one of the most desired opportunities for Russian special services - now they cannot receive reliable data on end users and voice messages through such services due to encryption.

"To introduce a new type of licensing, a detailed description of the technology itself is necessary, but this cannot be implemented today in practice, because such technological solutions are completely closed and secret. No company will share them with Russian regulators, "said one of the IB experts.

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