Dossier: tea match - how to choose and how to cook at home

Dossier: tea match - how to choose and how to cook at home 9731_1

What is a match?

This match can be only from Japan. Match tea - powder from certain bushes of green tea. After collecting leaves from tea bushes, stems and streaks are removed, then dried and only then the match in the powder with the help of stone millstones. The match can be divided into two conditional categories: ceremonial and standard (culinary) varieties. For the preparation of beverages, you need a ceremonial variety, and in the cooking you can use the standard variety of the match.

How do the match in Japan?

The match is obtained from the leaves of evergreen tea trees. Approximately three weeks before the collection of tea farmers cover plants with a cloth made of bamboo or tarpaulin, gradually reducing the level of sunlight, which falls on them. This increases the content of chlorophyll (green pigment), there is an active accumulation of the theenine - sweet to the taste of amino acids, which makes tea leaves with fleshy and saturated green.

Dossier: tea match - how to choose and how to cook at home 9731_2

At this stage of production, tea leaves are protected from ultraviolet and oxygen, that is, the processes of photosynthesis and oxidation slow down in them, so that useful substances are accumulated in tea, which ordinary leafy teas manage to "lose" on the scorching sun and air.

After collecting leaves, you remove all accommodation, treated with steam (to eliminate oxidation) and dried. Such treated leaves are called Teshen. They are mistaken in stone mills into the smallest powder. Now this product can be called the match.

Unlike traditional green tea, which is brewed, a green tea of ​​the match in front of the powder, it is necessary to stir in hot (but not more than 85 ° C) water.

Dossier: tea match - how to choose and how to cook at home 9731_3

What is the useful match?

The main is catechins. They help strengthen immunity, killing pathogenic bacteria. Catechins help prevent heart disease, slow down the aging process and provide protection against many types of cancer.

On November 27, 2020, Medical Natural University of Nara Prefecture in Japan confirmed that the tea-friendly match has a detoxification effect on a new coronavirus infection. Up to 99% of the virus loses its contagiousness when contacting tea for 1 minute in vitro ("in a test tube"). Catechins are attached to convex proteins on the surface of the viruses and eliminate their contagiousness.

The amino acid L-Theanin contributes to the development of dopamine and serotonin, which improves the mood and memory. And chlorophyll, who a lot in the match (at the expense of it is such a bright green color), helps reduce cholesterol and output toxins.

What about the matches in Moscow?

Drinks based on powder green tea from Japan are now sold in every second institution - and everywhere they are obtained different. Even looks like a latte's match for everyone in different ways - in someone he is bright green, in other marsh alone, thirdly too flexible, which is, to talk about consistency and taste. Basically, in all establishments of the match, Latte does not make a real match, but on the usual green tea of ​​the sech, carved into powder. It all depends on the understanding of the product of the Barista or the managers and their honesty towards the guest.

Dossier: tea match - how to choose and how to cook at home 9731_4
How to choose a real match?
  • Look at the country of production. This match can be only from Japan.
  • Look at the price. Match production is a complex process. The price of it cannot be low under any circumstances. The average price for the ceremonial match - from 1200 to 3,500 rubles for 50 g. The culinary match costs approximately - from 650 to 1100 rubles for 50 g.
  • Look at the packaging. It should be vacuum and opaque. It helps to keep the beneficial properties of tea.

If the first two points are observed, and you have already bought your packaging, then tea should:

  • It is pleasant to smell (freshness, grass, flowers, chocolate, nuts);
  • have a bright green color (the match of other colors does not exist);
  • have a consistency of small grinding powder;
  • In taste there should be no bitterness, but only teafulness: the real match must leave a sweet aftertaste. The higher the variety, the less patience. The match-fake can be fish, algae, swamp, earthy taste and smell.


Dossier: tea match - how to choose and how to cook at home 9731_5
Classic Match Latte on Coconut Milk Ingredients:
  • Ceremonial match - 2 g
  • Coconut milk 75-80 ° C - 200 ml
  • Water 75-80 ° C - 20 ml
  • Corn / Handmade Capacher / Electrical Scapinator
Cooking method:
  1. Mix the match with water. Beat a wedge or cappuccinant to the complete disappearance of lumps.
  2. Pour a match and warm milk into the glass, beat the cappuccinant before the formation of foam. If you have an electrocomponor with heated milk, you can immediately pour cold milk into it and the match powder and beat the foam formation.
  3. The match you can drink with any milk you love. We recommend using coconut milk.
Dossier: tea match - how to choose and how to cook at home 9731_6
Tiramisu with match (recipe for 2 servings) Ingredients:
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 85 g
  • Flour - 53 g
  • Match - 17 g
  • Milk - 25 g
  • Creamy oil - 25 g
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Cream 33% - 80 g
  • Honey - 20 g
  • Cream CHIZ (mascarpone or analog) - 90 g
  • Water room temperature - 3 tbsp. l.
Cooking method:
  1. Take 2 eggs: protein and yolk separating apart from each other. White proteins from 60 g of sugar to strong peaks. Add yolks and mix the currency. Next, it is necessary to sift 53 g of flour and 7 g of the match of the match through a sieve, mix the shovel.
  2. Oil (melted) and milk mix for a fork and add 2 tablespoons of the test, mix and pour the mixture back into the dough. Mix smoothly.
  3. Preheat oven to 190 ° C. On the stuck parchment tray to distribute the dough and bake 11-14 minutes before the appearance of a slightly ruddy crust. Corge to cover with a film and remove cool.
  4. 2 yolks and 25 g of sugar mix the whisk to uniformity. Then in the water bath, beat up white foam.
  5. In the whipped egg mixture add cream-cheiz, honey and mix.
  6. Then add cream, sift 7 g of the match and mix to homogeneity. Finished cream put in a confectionery bag.
  7. Prepare an espresso match. To do this, stir 3 g of tea match and room temperature water to homogeneity (better cappuccinator).
  8. Cut the circle from the biscuit to the diameter of the container in which you will be uploaded by tiramisu.
  9. The biscuit circle is plunged into the Espresso match, but do not allow it to absorb a lot of fluid.
  10. At the bottom of the tank, put a little cream, then put the biscuit. Next, lay out the layers alternately (cream and biscuit).
  11. Sprinkle the Tiramisu Match from above. Send to refrigerator for 4-5 hours.
Dossier: tea match - how to choose and how to cook at home 9731_7
Basque burned cheesecake with match ingredients:
  • Creamy cheese room temperature - 430 g
  • Match - 15 g
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Large Eggs Room Temperature - 3 pcs.
  • Fat cream (minimum 33%) - 270 ml
  • Flour - 20 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
Cooking method:
  1. Wear sugar and cream cheese to a homogeneous mass on medium speed so that the sugar is dissolved. Add the match and mix.
  2. Add one by one egg and beat at medium speed to homogeneous mass.
  3. Add a vanilla extract and lemon juice and mix.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the flour and ¼ cream and mix to homogeneous mass.
  5. Add another cream, mix, and then add the remaining ingredients and mix again. Slowly pour a mixture of cream and flour into the cheese mixture and mix at slow speed. Increase the speed to the middle and mix for 15 seconds to make sure that everything is mixed evenly.
  6. Shipping 15-centimeter shape with two layers of baking paper and cut it so that it performs on 3-4 centimeters.
  7. Heat the oven in convection mode at 240 degrees at least 30 minutes and bake the cheesecake for 30-35 minutes until the top will become dark amber and almost not charging, but the middle will still tremble by the end of baking.
  8. Let the cheesecake completely cool at room temperature. Remove from the baked form and serve at room temperature.

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