Morning Digest KN: Brutal Attack on Kaluga Street, drowning woman and early retirement

Morning Digest KN: Brutal Attack on Kaluga Street, drowning woman and early retirement 9716_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

Brutal attack on passersby occurred on Kaluga Street

As reported on Tuesday in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police in Kaluga revealed robbery in relation to two locals.

According to the law enforcement officers, a 21-year-old convicted Kaluzhanin, together with his comrades while on Night Kaluga Street, entered into conflict with passing past two unfamiliar men. Conflict abrasion into a fight.

"Having causing victims of multiple bodily harm, as a result of which those lost consciousness, young people left," they told the police.

But the suspect, spending his comrade to the house, decided to return to the place of fights. There he saw that one of the victims came to himself. Hand he inflicted him another blow to the area of ​​the head, from which the man had lost consciousness again. In addition, the young man pulled the victims of the victims of mobile phones and money. After that, disappeared.

The amount of damage was about 25 thousand rubles.

The case was initiated under the article "Robbery, perfect with the use of violence, not dangerous to life or health." This article provides for a sentence in the form of imprisonment for up to seven years.

The investigation continues.

March 8 in the Kaluga region drowned a woman

In terms of tragic coincidence, the woman drowned on March 8 in the Kaluga region. Investigators are checked on the fact of its death.

According to the preliminary data of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, on March 8, a 60-year-old resident of the village Small Saving Kirovsky district of the Kaluga region went to the neighbor. Her path ran along the shores of the sandy river. Passing through a steep slope, the woman slipped and fell into the water. She failed to get out. During the day, the search for missing, today its body was found in the river.

- To determine the cause of the death of the victim appointed forensic medical examination. The investigator conducts the necessary activities aimed at establishing the circumstances of the incident. According to the results of the verification, a procedural solution will be made, - the press service of the SC reports.

Some Kaluzhans will be able to retire early

Government Chairman Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on expanding the possibility of early retirement for a number of categories of workers.

As we reported earlier, the Ministry of Labor prepared a draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which makes changes to the lists of works, industries, professions, posts, specialties and institutions (organizations), including early old-age insurance pension ahead of time. On the signing of the Resolution of the Russian Prime Minister Mishoustin today, March 9, the press service of the Russian Cabinan reported.

In the ruling, in particular, it was said that teachers, doctors, pilots, firefighters, rescuers and a number of other categories of workers will become easier to go to a well-deserved rest. Now in the work experience that gives the right to early pension, periods of training and additional vocational education will be counted, including training courses.

Izvestia clarify that the main condition is to preserve employees of jobs and salaries at this time and the deduction of contributions to compulsory medical education.

In addition, the press service indicated that the new order applies to all categories of workers in Russia, eligible to enter an early pension "in old age."

In the Kaluga region, poachers were brutally killed and dismembered by a pregnant leg

According to the official website of the Kaluga region's reserve, on Sunday, on March 7, in the Ulyanovsky district, during patrols, the reserve staff discovered bags with meat and scattered parts of the body of a pregnant loss, as well as her dead cub, who was never destined to see shine.

For ethical considerations, we will not publish frames from the scene of the bloody crucifier.

Poachers, leaving bags with meat, managed to hide from the scene.

"Representatives of the Okhotnadzor and the Police of the Ulyanovsky District are promptly profitable to deal with the situation. In the hot pursuit there is an inquiry, "they told in the reserve.

In the Kaluga region, Mom is trying to learn the truth about his 12-year-old daughter's death

At the end of last year, we published a terrible story of a resident of Tarusa Natalia O. She told about his 12-year-old daughter's death.

Recently, Natalia received clarification from the Kaluga Ministry of Health due to the tragedy. A specially created commission conducted an investigation of what happened and revealed a number of violations. Violations, in particular, concern the conduct of medical records in the Trootse CRH. In addition, the head physician of the Tuskaya hospital is suspected of the absence of attempts to solve the issue of personnel shortages in the medical institution.

However, on the conclusion of the commission, the girl has already entered the reception office "in a state of clinical death with a negative forecast." The cause of the death of a child, the physician called the acute respiratory failure, which developed due to coronavirus infection, with a number of complications.

According to the Kaluga Commissioner for Human Rights, Yuri Selnikov, on Tuesday, on March 9, Mom girls visited him on his personal admission.

Among other things, Natalia is worried about why her daughter did not hit the statistics of those killed from coronavirus infection. The same woman wrote about the same in social networks on the eve.

"Answer from the Ministry of Health I received. They did the conclusion. "The shortcomings identified in the provision of medical care to the child did not affect the course of the disease." Why death, the cause of which Cowp was, did not enter the statistics of the region - no one answered me. What conclusions do I need to do? Is it? " - Natalia wrote in the group "Kaluga and Kaluzhan" in Facebook.

Olennikov promised to help a woman.

As Natalia recently told "Kaluga news", the investigative committee is engaged in the death of the child, the investigative committee is carried out. In addition, the Regional Ministry of Health promised to inform relatives, which sanctions will be applied to the head physician of the Tuskaya Hospital.

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