11 things that talk about your mind better than any tests


We are accustomed to assessing the level of intelligence - your and others, based on these different tests, success in school and at work, favorite books. But in addition to these obvious things there are many invisible attributes that may indicate our developed mind.

We in adme.ru studied the latest studies of scientists on this account and prepared a list of non-obvious moments that are talking about high intelligence. And as a bonus made a selection of things that do not affect the mind.

Talking to animals

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Furious conversations with the brothers are our smaller - this is not a sign of quiet insoluction. According to the results of the study of Professor Nicholas Eiphu from the University of Chicago, the desire to endorse the pets with human features speaks about the developed intelligence, which distinguishes people from all other things on Earth. The habit of belong to the subjects around us as living beings - Rugan with a car, complaints about household appliances - for a long time seemed to all the children's fad. In reality, this is evidence of the active work of the brain, which is programmed for knowledge, and susceptible mind. So you can continue to safely call a naughty hair dryer and lead philosophical conversations with a cactus.

In childhood, loved to bring

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Children begin the first timid attempts on this field at the age of 2, and by 6-7 years invented the unprecedented and excuses are quite consciously. Not the most pleasant thing for parents thing, but you can console yourself with one fact. According to the results of the study of scientists from the University of Florida, the better the child is lying, the more developed its working memory and the ability to process verbal information. This is due to such types of mental activity as a solution of logical tasks, awareness of complex information and decision-making. Moreover, extroverts with a high level of intelligence retain this habit in adulthood. In some situations, this allows you to solve the problem faster and more efficient.


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For a long time it was believed that bad memory is a sign of a weak reason. Scientists of the University of Toronto proved the opposite. It is the ability of the brain to get rid of unnecessary knowledge and concentrate on those who are of greater importance for decision-making, speaks of high intelligence. First of all, the mind tries to remove contradictory memories, building a more accurate picture.

Well hold musical rhythm

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Perfectly feel rhythm and drumnate with your fingers, without counting the seconds about yourself? Most likely, you are very intelligent. Scientists from the University of Umea and the Caroline Institute found a regularity between this skill and the ability to solve problems, as well as see the causes of the events. A good feeling of rhythm speaks about the developed intelligence. In their opinion, the light mind has a biological basis and depends on the number of nerve fibers in the prefortional zone.

Play strategy

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In the near future, successes in some games can become an equivalent of the IQ test. Scientists of the University of York revealed that excellent results in multiplayer online strategies speak directly about the level of intelligence. Such works require the participants of good abilities to analyze, good memory and rapidly making strategic decisions. So the successes in Dota 2 can now be proud of right.

Write a lot from hand

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In recent years, there are many conversations that learning should be postponed to computers, and from boring written tasks should be refused. Who may need a good handwriting when most print texts on the computer? Scientists from the University of Oslo proved that the letter from hand helps children develop memory and learn better. The same applies to adults. When a person writes, not prints, it makes his brain work more effectively and creates additional "hooks" to memorize.

You know a sense in Sarkazme

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Love for sarcastic comments can talk about developed intelligence. Scientists found out that such a manner of information filing stimulates abstract thinking and helps to find more creative solutions to problems. Moreover, sarcasm positively affects the mental abilities of all who participate in communication. If he appears in a conversation of people who know each other well, the possibility of conflict is minimal. But it is not necessary to abuse this kind of humor in a conversation with strangers - it can provoke a quarrel.

Love on the bed

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Laziness is considered a sign of weak will and not too clear mind. To achieve your goal, a person must get up early, work a lot and go to bed with sunset. At the University of Florida Gulf Coast carried out experiment and found out that people with a higher level of intelligence show significantly less activity during the work week than the rest of the simple mortals. Long working hours also have little effect on efficiency. So, Robin Eli, Professor from Harvard, reduced his working day by 17% and realized that it would fully at least work than before.

Able to cut off unnecessary information

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The ability to identify important details, not paying attention to other distracting factors, can speak about the level of intelligence no worse than standard tests on IQ. Scientists from the University of Rochester put an experiment. Before the participants, there were circles of different sizes, in which the black and white stripes moved to the right or left. After that, they were offered to undergo a test determining the level of intelligence. Those who showed the highest IQ results were able to determine the correct direction of movement in the smallest circles. But, no matter how surprisingly, when large circles appeared on the screen, with the same task they coped much worse than other participants. According to scientists, this suggests that the brain efficiency depends not only on the ability to quickly process information, but also from the ability to cut minor details.

You have a great scent

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It is not surprising, but people have a rather sharp scent. When it comes to distinguishing odors and designations, many are faced with difficulties. Sometimes, feeling a familiar fragrance, we can hardly choose the correct name for him. Even describing the nuances, we use adjectives that usually belong to other categories. For example, "light" or "heavy". The ability to feel smells and determine them is associated with spatial memory, and in addition, there is a neural path connecting receptors and hippocampus. Scientists were able to establish that the loss of smelling with age can talk about the deterioration of mental activity. Studies are currently being conducted to understand whether the training of this skill can slow down the brain aging process.

Adore cheese

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The fact that the passion for chocolate develops the mind is already known. But not only this product has a positive effect on our brain. Love for cheese can well affect mental abilities, especially in old age. Scientific research of the Iowa University has demonstrated that the eating cheese saves from a decrease in mental activity over the years. Do not neglect meat products, as many brain functions need substances that are contained in this food. The main thing is to observe the measure, giving preference to a variety of meals.

Bonus: What does not affect the level of intelligence

Love for classical music

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Over the past 15 years, scientists actively argued whether the love of classical music affects the development of intelligence. As reported by the University of Vienna, the "Mozart effect" does not exist. Classical music in general and the works of the brilliant Austrian composer in particular can deliver Melomanana a lot of pleasant hours, but they don't do a smarter person.

Music lessons

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For a long time, it was believed that music classes in childhood positively affect the ability to learn in youthful and adult age. Scientists from the University of Health Fujita and the London School of Economics after a careful study of all materials noted that such a connection is not obvious. Therefore, if the child does not show explicit thrust to such classes, do not force him, hoping to grow a future genius.

Educational games

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Stack of the most complex crosswords, the game "Memoris" and other useful entertainment, unfortunately, do not have much influence on the development of intelligence. The ability to memorize many different icons does not help in finding lost keys. It was to such conclusions, scientists of the State Florida University came.

Size turtle

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For a long time it was believed that it was the big head that is a sign of high intelligence. However, the last study of the University of Pennsylvania showed that, although a certain relationship exists, the influence of this factor on mental ability is insignificant.

And which of these signs did you find at home?

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