Why I will not go on the last James Bond


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Why I will not go on the last James Bond 9700_1
Franchise about James Bond, Agent 007 Never for me was not superval. As a child, I could be interested in the individual scenes from different films series. And entirely - even for a teenager, the tone of the narrative and the plots seemed like stupid. But at the same time employee.

But the Era of Daniel Craig began ... At the "Casino Piano" came by chance. And only by the end of the film I remembered that I watch a film about Bond: all this time was the feeling that before my eyes just a well-made film about a person who needs to solve serious questions. He is not a superman. Not a soulless machine for seduction.

Why I will not go on the last James Bond 9700_2

Vulnerable. Able to mistake. In essence, Bond Craig was a simple person. And it is this version of the agent 007 to me closer than all. And here comes the trailer for the final part with Craig. The film wears the subtitle "not time to die." And I'm not going to go on this film. That's why:

Cause 1. After the "Casino Piano", all further films were not even smooth. And gradually the tone of the narrative from moderately realistic returned to its original condition: insane villains and tons of pathos.

The second reason is the fact that Craig did not want to take part in this part for a long time. As a result, I gave up, persuaded. But playing from under the stick - a deliberately losing option: for the viewer.

Why I will not go on the last James Bond 9700_3

Third reason. Constantly rewritten scenario and changing directories. Something about like the last star wars: we have no scenario, there is no work plan - but we will come up with anything. Ham.

Number 4. Chase for social diversification. Here, without comment: The idea is bad. Let it be a careful tillage of the soil, but the paradigm shift is scheduled - the future of the franchise is sad.

Well, the final, fourth. Time has passed too much. Craig aged. But this does not mean that he cannot play Bond. Just judging by the trailer, the film is sharpened more under action, but not for spy disassembly and drama.

The bonus goes the fact that Billy Alish was chosen by the head performer. What for? Be in trend? But the target audience of the film is clearly not the fans of Isilish. Or film for a young viewer? Then why bond is so old?

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