US Congress resumed the approval of the election results, the whole party turned away from Trump


US Congress resumed the approval of the election results, the whole party turned away from Trump

US Congress resumed the approval of the election results, the whole party turned away from Trump

Almaty. Jan. 7. KazTAG - US Congress after unrest with the participation of supporters of the current head of state Donald Trump resumed the approval of the results of the presidential election, reports BBC.

"Those who today arranged chaos in our Capitol, know: you did not win. Violence never wins. Freedom wins, and it is still the house of the people. The world will again witness the persistence and strength of our democracy - even after unprecedented violence and vandalism. Selected representatives of the people of the United States again gathered in this hall, "said the US Vice-President Mike Pensa on Thursday on Thursday in Congress.

Earlier after the speech of Trump at the rally in Washington, on which he argued that he was allegedly "stolen" the victory, his supporters broke into the Capitol. After the start of the riots, the current president called on the "trampists" to divorce home, but continued to assert about the illegality of the election results. By the time the participants of the riots broke into the capitol and staged pogroms, the legislators managed to evacuate and save from the destruction of bulletins with the voices of the electors, which were decisive at the past elections.

As a result, the special forces pushed out protesters from the Capitol, however, as a result of the clashes, a woman died. In addition, the building found two explosive devices.

Against the background of what is happening from Trump, the last supporters of the Republican Party turned away.

"I am shocked by the reckless behavior of some political leaders after the elections and today disrespecting for our institutions, our traditions and our law enforcement agencies. So challenges the results of the elections in the "banana" republic, and not in our democratic, "said the 43rd US President George Bush Jr., in particular.

He did not mention the Trump straight, but this was done by many leaders and functionaries of the Republicans.

So, the Director of Public Relations of the Republican Party Michael Arenas called the incident "domestic terrorism".

"Our soldiers gibble, carrying the American flag in the battle for our freedom. To see that this flag is used in the name of the unfounded theories of the conspiracy - shame of the nation, and every decent American should experience disgust for this, "says Arennz.

Congresswumen Katie Magamorris Rogers from Washington said that she now decided to vote for the victory of Joe Bayden. She called the pogroms who had occurred illegal and unacceptable and called on Trump "condemn and put an end to this madness."

"There is no doubt that the president gathered the crowd, the president provoked the crowd, the president turned to the crowd. He lit the flame, "said another Congresswume Liz Cheney.

In Washington from the evening of the middle of the medium at a local time there is a curfew, by the time of preparation of this material the police blocked the Capitol Hill. At the same time, a number of US media found out that the vice-president of Pens was ordered to send National Gavrdia to the place of disorders, while the president did not want to send security forces. Now the existing high-ranking US officials openly declare the need for early removal of Trump.

"President Trump is a danger to our country. He must be subjected to impeachment and immediately removed from his position, "said Governor of the state of Illinois Jay Robert Pritker.

Against the background of what is happening the largest social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube blocked the Trump account.

Recall on November 3, 2020, the candidate from the Democratic Party, Joseph Biden, scored the necessary voices of the electors and won the presidential elections in the United States. He will be 46 president of the United States. The 45th President - a representative of the Republican Party Donald Trump could not re-release for a second term.

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