Billy Milligan and its neighbors of reason: the history of man who had 24 personalities


What, if you imagine that in the cranial box of one person, not one individual can be labeled, but at once a few? It was in such a situation that Billy Milligan was - the most famous criminal justified by the court due to the diagnosis of the Multiple Personality. The man made a robbery and raped women, but the servants of the femids did not send him behind the bars, considering that all these atrocities were made by his alter-ego.

This decision at one time caused a wave of disputes in society, because many considered that Billy is just a good actor who managed to convince others in their insanity. So this or not, however, the life history of this guy from Miami accurately deserves attention.

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Apparently, the problems at the mental level of Billy were not congenital, but began after the strongest stress transferred to them in young years. When the boy was only four, his father committed suicide due to problems with money, and the mother began to attempt to build family happiness with other men. The third husband of Women became Chemer Milligan, who was different, according to his past spouse, extreme cruelty. It is not known whether the aggression of a man was aimed at a new wife, but one of those who suffered from him became Billy, whom the risen raped in Saraj. According to psychologists, from this point in the brain, the boy had splitting of personalities.

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People in the head

It is quite unusual to argue about the personalities that exist only in the consciousness of milligan, but all of them, judging by the conversations with Billy, were independent people, with their mental abilities, skills, habits and character. In total, in the head of Milligan, according to psychiatrists, 24 individual personalities dwell, and they all contacted each other, quarreling, friends and even in love.

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To understand how many Alter-Ego Billy were, it is possible to mention only several of them. Thus, the rape committed by milligan, as experts believed, were committed with the filing of the lesbian Adalana, which thus compensated for the lack of attention to themselves from women. Another person named Eypril, in turn, hatched plans for the murder of Belli's stepfather and constantly tried to convince the Communist to go to this pitch from Yugoslavia Vadascovich, who also, as you understood, existed only in Milligan's head. In addition, Billy's brain also generated the personality of several artists, a cracker formed by the Englishman Smith, as well as a kind of teacher.

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All these heros were mastered by Milligan's consciousness in turn and, interestingly, under their "impact", the patient really demonstrated a different level of IQ, and also showed unique skills for each personality. However, according to those who worked with Billy doctors, they were fully integrated into the Personality of the Teacher, and it was the teacher who combined all alter-him in himself, remembering all the thoughts, deeds and events that were experiencing with other personalities.

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The final

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, the court decided not to send milligan behind the bars. The man was recognized insane and sent to a psychiatric hospital, where, according to the terms of the sentence, it was supposed to be fully recovered. As a result, experts for ten years worked on "to" close "from Billy a whole personality, but they failed to achieve significant success. Nevertheless, Milligan was released and even tried to establish his life. For some time, the mysterious criminal was in sight and even got a mini-film company, but soon disappeared. Now it is known that Billy Milligan died in 2014 in one of the nursing homes in Florida. The cause of his death was cancer of the brain.

What do you think, could Billy Milligan deceive the investigation, giving out himself for a psychopath intention? Share your opinion in the comments.

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