Methods of autumn trimming of pears and recommendations for its implementation


Good afternoon, my reader. If you do not allow mistakes while trimming the pear, it will be possible to form a beautiful crown, strengthen skeletal branches, which will subsequently disappear from the weight of the fruits. The novice gardener can get confused in the stream of information and pruning advice. To facilitate the task of novice, the main rules and understandable tips on the autumn trimming of pear are collected below.

Methods of autumn trimming of pears and recommendations for its implementation 9681_1
Methods of autumn trimming of pears and recommendations for its implementation Maria Verbilkova

Pears. (Photo used by standard license ©

Some gardeners mistakenly believe that this procedure only harms young and adult plants. Another incorrect position is the higher the tree, the more it gives a crop. In fact, too thick Krone prevents the fruit of sunlight, because of this, their taste deteriorates. And dried or sick branches left on the tree for the winter can break and damage healthy.

It is customary to trigger in spring or autumn. The advantages of the second option are as follows:

  • In the fall, the growing season is already behind, it means that the slots will no longer grow shoots;
  • Socialization slows down, so the juice will not flow through sections;
  • If you prevent errors when cropping, next year, the pear will be fruit more active;
  • In the fall, you can spend the trimming of slowly, the weather is unpredictable in the spring, and it provokes the beginning of the coilment. In addition, after the procedure, frosts may return, and this will prevent the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the fall, the choice of trimming time is much wider - from harvesting to cooling (2-3 weeks before the onset of frosts).
Methods of autumn trimming of pears and recommendations for its implementation 9681_2
Methods of autumn trimming of pears and recommendations for its implementation Maria Verbilkova

Trimming trees. (Photo used by standard license ©

Usually, the autumn trimming of pears is carried out annually, the exception is the young plant age 1 year: the procedure will be destructive for him and reduce the chances of a prosperous wintering.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a secateur, they remove fine branches and young pigs; Such storage, allowing to cut the high branches; The garden saw to remove the branches, the diameter of which exceeds 2.5 cm. Cropped with stems and clean the wounds, and process the slices of garden water.

Gardeners living in the middle lane of Russia are pruning at the beginning of autumn, after harvesting. And the inhabitants of the southern regions can postpone this event for the middle of the autumn, as frosts come later. According to the lunar calendar, the time for the decreasing moon is suitable for the procedure.

The main rules are as follows:

  • For trimming approach days without precipitation. In the rain, the risk of enhancing infection is high, and the optimal temperature for the procedure is above 8 ° C.
  • To remove inaccessible parts, use the staircase, in no case do not get up to the adjacent branches.
  • Do not overdo it with trimming, do not cut more than 25% of wood from the plant. Wounds can be frozen, and if there are too many of them, it will destroy the pear.
  • All sections need to be treated with garden borants or oil based drugs. It is impossible to smear the wounds on young branches immediately, before this you need to wait about a day.
  • Destroy remote areas of the tree immediately in order to avoid transmission of diseases.
Methods of autumn trimming of pears and recommendations for its implementation 9681_3
Methods of autumn trimming of pears and recommendations for its implementation Maria Verbilkova

Pears. (Photo used by standard license ©

Pruning - a procedure in which you need to thoroughly understand not to harm plants. Observing the basic rules and choosing the appropriate time for the event, you reduce the stress that it causes a pear, and stimulate active fruiting in the upcoming season.

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