Care from wife, abortion and fight against cancer: Heavy tests in the life of the Svetkova and Rybina, who managed to keep the family in spite of everything



And Viktor Rybin together for more than 30 years. Over the years, the spouses experienced a lot together, but were able to preserve the initial feelings and respect for each other.

Care from wife, abortion and fight against cancer: Heavy tests in the life of the Svetkova and Rybina, who managed to keep the family in spite of everything 9658_1
Victor Rybin and Natalia Senchukova, photo:

Natalia became the third wife of Victor. When they met, the singer was married.

"I could not imagine how it was to destroy someone else's family. Also a family in which a small child. But when Vitya left, the soul every time burst into parts. This happened besides my will. I understood my head that it was impossible to bind. But I was unbearable to let Witya. When one remained, a huge emptiness was formed. I fell in love, and could not do anything with my love. "

- recognized the performer.

Only they failed to cope with the attraction, and Soon Senchukov became pregnant.

"At first I dreamed of going! Then the fear rolled me. I thought: what would I do with a small child alone? Parents are far away, helping no one, I will sit in the four walls, I will be uninteresting, and he will throw me ... And Vitya said: "As you decide, so it will be." Well, I decided: I took an abortion. It was extremely difficult for me. I lost weight, wept forty nine kilograms, it became like a shadow ",

- Shared the artist.

Care from wife, abortion and fight against cancer: Heavy tests in the life of the Svetkova and Rybina, who managed to keep the family in spite of everything 9658_2
Victor Rybin and Natalia Senchukova, photo:

A year later she left the row, but after a day she could not stand the separation and called his beloved.

"We raced towards each other as if we had not seen a whole century, and not twelve hours. They embraced, melted, forgiveness of each other asked. And no longer parted ever. We decided: how will it be so. If in our triangle nothing can be changed, it means that we will live as further ... ",

- remembers the star.

After 2 years, Victor left his wife. To go to the registry office again, he decided only after 10 years, when Senchukov was on the eighth month of pregnancy. Then they did not make a lush celebration. And soon they were born the son of Vasily. 12 years ago, the couple decided to get married.

"We happened. Wedding is a strong sacrament. But we never promise each other that we will be together. That is, the words of the oaths said in front of the altar. But neither he nor I do not care from anything. No one knows that in life will happen tomorrow. And no one is insured against anything. You can only believe each other - that's all ... "

- said celebrity.

Care from wife, abortion and fight against cancer: Heavy tests in the life of the Svetkova and Rybina, who managed to keep the family in spite of everything 9658_3
Natalia Senchukova and Victor Rybin and Son, photo:

In 2018, both spouses diagnosed oncological disease. They passed several courses of radiation therapy and defeated the insidious disease. Natalia and Victor got sick because of love for tanning, which ended with the appearance of incomprehensible spots on the skin.

Celebrity's son is 21 years old. Vasily is studying on theatrical director. In addition, a young man is a member of the Kodi group and works by the model. Everything else, the star heir is professionally engaged in sports.

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