Tor - Fire Military Little Soultor in Scandinavian myths

Tor - Fire Military Little Soultor in Scandinavian myths 9630_1
Tor - Fire Military Little Soultor in Scandinavian Myths

Thor is one of the most famous gods of Scandinavian mythology. His father was the Supreme Moultold of the World and the Divities, but about the mother there are a variety of versions in ancient legends. The torus rightly can be called the strongest among the gods. From the very birth, he was a giant growth, and his power was forced to tremble even immortal relatives.

Scandinavians considered him a patron of thunder and lightning, one of the most Grozny (in all the senses of the word) of the deities. The mood of the Torah may change as quickly as the weather, and his anger was even afraid of the gods. What else is known about the most frantic Scandinavian ruler?

The name of God Torah

Scandinavian mythology has a lot of unique features significantly different from Greek or Egyptian. Immediately, I want to note that the same Ellinskaya Zeus is not to look for the features of similar deities, which skillfully managed with zippers, does not look like a Torah, which will be discussed. As legends tell, Mother Torah was Fryigg, the legitimate spouse is Odin, or the ERG, the goddess of the earth and one of the beloved women of the Supreme God.

The origin of the name of Torah largely explains the functions of God. According to researchers, it is connected with the ancient Germanistic word "Thonaraz", from which the Scandinavian "Thor" occurred. Translated this means "Thunder".

As you can see, the God of Thunder was named so with hidden meaning. Another name of Torah, Donar, also sends us to the languages ​​that occurred from the adolescent of the ancient German tribes. Even in modern English, the word "Thunder" means rumble or thunder, and in his sound, the name of the Terrible God.

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God alone with little torus and Lockers / © Alexander Lozano

Birth and upbringing of God

Barely appearing on the light, the torus managed to surprise adult gods. Despite his young age, he ligaled with his hands with his hands on the hand of bearish skins, which seemed to him a children's fun. In general, Tor had a calm temper, but if he didn't like something, he could fall into frenzy, becoming very dangerous.

Myths say that after the next such riotiness, his mother sent a torus on the care of the gods to Winner and Chlorine, which personified the elements of the wind and the heat. Only they were able to curb the mad temper of the young torus and raise it in accordance with the norms of the behavior of the gods.

In my opinion, the common language with the receiving parents God found because of their purpose. They were also considered lightning deities and, of course, it was akin to Torah. Moldoval, Tor considered himself a grateful pair for his own upbringing. In the sign of eternal respect for them, he even took new names - Winger and Chloridi.

What is he?

Becoming an adult, the torus was adopted in the kingdom of the deities of Asgard, where he became one of the twelve of the highest gods. As his possessions of Torah, the lands were allocated, where he built the palace equal to which was not in the whole kingdom. Many rooms and the most expensive decoration made up an excellent picture of a bilskrnir built by the Toron. Little slaves served here.

They fell into the abode of God after his death, however, there were always welcome guests. The peasants and the simple people here were waiting for a warm welcome here, because the Torah was often called the God of commoners, which did not reduce its significance.

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Morten Eskil Wing "Battle of Torah with Giants", 1872

On the contrary, regardless of the origin, the man knew that after death he would be accepted by the hospitable God was not worse than the glorious heroes who died on the battlefield. The torus valued honest ordinary people who devoted all their lives to hard work.

Despite the power and terrible strength, God was forced to transfer some inconvenience related to his abilities. Since the body of the Torah was frowning with fire, and a sewing heat came from it, he was forbidden to cross the sacred bridge, according to which the deities came to a source of wisdom, the tree of Igdrasil. God thunder had to cross the rivers, heading for the Holy Roditor in the Great Tree.

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Tor God thunder and fire / © sam Flegal

Torah appearance

If you in the ancient legends of Scandinavians will meet the phrase "old torus", you should not imagine this God with a Beloborodnoye older. On the contrary, it almost always he acts as a young or young character, full strength and energy.

Most often torus is described as a man with bright red hair, the color of which is similar to fire. At the moments of anger, the hair of this heter was fluttered in the wind, and the flames were broken from them.

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Thor - God with bright red hair / © Torgeir Fjereide

The entire image of the Torah is the embodiment of energy, beauty and strength in his own flourish. Sometimes the head of God is decorated with a crown, in the center of which is a sparkling stone, reminiscent of the fire. Around this sign of the Tsarist Authority shines a fiery halo, which was created by the Toron himself. J. Johns. Walhalla wrote in his work:

"First, the Thor, bent the eyebrow, whispered something in a red beard, throwing through the eyes, full of anger, lightning in different directions. His chariot, creaking wheels, sent grommet rolls, and the earth and the sky shook under the blows of his hammer. "

This bright description of God indicates its main symbol and attribute - Mjölnir's hammer, with which it is depicted on frescoes and paintings. This omnipotent weapon with ease destroyed the enemies of the Torah, remaining always split. To confidently keep him in his hands, Tor put on the mittens - only he could cope with the flaming hammer of a lightning.

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Wrath Torah were afraid of the gods

Thor is one of the most important gods of Scandinavia. Residents of the Northern Europe countries believed that this God had an incredible force, can create thunder and lightning, driving a thunderstorm and flame. Redhead, Giant and Slaya, he spoke on the side of the bright strength, and therefore people often appealed to Torah for help, knowing that such a powerful God would not leave in trouble, and his light would scare away any evil.

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