Even Russian mafia represented by Peter Dinklaja powerless in front of the "sweat" Rosamund Pike

Even Russian mafia represented by Peter Dinklaja powerless in front of the

The voice of the main heroine Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike obviously liked to play a dangerous blonde in the "disappeared", but then she goes even further and puts the murder of people on a wide foot) sounds even before we see it.

"The game according to the rules is invented by rich, so that we remain poor," says the voice voice, and when the gale itself finally appears on the screen, we already know a lot about it. The biggest fear of the social worker marla is to be poor, so she came up with a scheme for the deliverance of gullible pensioners from the accumulation of life. Marla has created a whole criminal network: "His" doctor gives her a potential sacrifice, whose diagnosis can be corrected until complete incapacity, and "his" chief physician of the nursing home is clearly adhered to the instructions of the guardian - poor, and there are no suspected old people with tranquilizers to the state of vegetables. Meanwhile, the gauze sells real estate and all the values ​​of the victim to which access is supposedly to cover costs. The ideal scheme.

Finally, the doctor prevents Marle's "Cherry". Cute 71-year-old old woman Jennifer Pieterson (Diane Wist) - a rare find. There are no relatives, there is no debt, it worked for 40 years at one job, now enjoying the rest, the "unknown" Kramsky hangs on the wall. Garl is habitually takes Jennifer in turnover and takes into a nursing home, but suddenly a strange blond Alexey (Nicholas Logan) still renovated for sale for the sale of the house and reports that Jennifer caused him, and later Marl is visited by a glovenant lawyer (Chris Messina) And she offers a hundred thousand, if only she left the old woman alone. Marla is ready to do this - as we have understood, it does not have principles. But she does not like that it is so cheap. By refusing money, she is involved in the war with a novel Lunev (Peter Dinklage), in which, according to everything around, it is impossible to defeat.

Directed by Jay Blaixon, known for the "disappearance of Alice Creed" and the "fifth wave", ideally withstands the intonation, thanks to which we, viewers, almost sympathize with cynical villain. All because the film was resolved as a black comedy, and, of course, he would have turned out much worse if the criminal was not playing Rosamund Pink. Cold rigid blonde, who in a second can take the kind of gentle English roses, Marla performed by Pike - the direct heiress of the hectic girlfriends gangsters from the Hollywood Crime Drama of the 1930s, Blondes of Hitchcock and Catherine Tramell from the "Basic Instinct". This car without emotions and remorse - it's not for nothing that it, without losing a single precious second, is professionally chosen from the car driving in the river as if it works like this every week.

Blaixon violates not one cliché genre here. For example, Marla - Lesbian and turns transactions with his Girl Fran (Aisa Gonzalez). That is, there is nothing new in her sexual orientation, just there were no such main characters in a commercial cinema or there was very little (the same Catherine Tramell rather "indulged" with girls in anticipation of the "real man"). But Blakeson plays with these stamps with knowledge of the case - when two more kissing beauties spilling view?

The second cliché is especially familiar in Russia. Hollywood is a lot of five, but the show of Russian mafia is not among these successes. In the "sweat" of Russian gangsters play Americans, and this, of course, is another extreme. But, on the other hand, why would our bandits not assimilate in America to such an extent that Peter Dinklaydge can play one of them? If this does not look like, then at least not ridiculous.

Fortunately, we are not only a well-made thriller. Blaikson will begue capitalist greed with the fervor of Bernie Sanders, showing that fraudulent inhuman schemes can flourish in front of everyone, and the most real killers speak on television and talk about their secret sections. Garla is so obsessed with money that even death is not afraid. An ambitious girl, in his own way interpreted the American dream, is not terrible even the Russian mafia, which is accepted to scare all. The American dream has long been turned into a nightmare, and "challenge" (in cinemas from February 19) shows it with disarming direct.

Photo: Volga

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