10 details of the Soviet coziness, which only spoil the modern interior


Despite the fact that the Soviet style in the interior of the apartments has been released many years ago, his echoes are still found here, then there. And it happens, we don't even understand what exactly in the room is knocked out of the general picture, until we look attentively: we are so accustomed.

Therefore, today we have decided in adme.ru once again looking around and catch the most details that interfere with the interior to become harmonious and modern.

Strong glass vases

10 details of the Soviet coziness, which only spoil the modern interior 9589_1
© Sorokopud / Depositphotos

Such elements of the decor came across each second (or even the first) apartment. They were rather huge and were rarely used for their intended purpose, but if necessary, a press papier was performed perfectly. Unfortunately, they have not added beauty to the interior for a long time (except for the style of the room is perfect under these vases).

Bulky floor lamp

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© Andrey_Nikitin / Shutterstock, © belchonock / Depositphotos

There was a constant typical attribute of the room. Abuirs met different colors (more often yellowish, pastel shades) and all sorts of size. More expensive models had a shelf where it was possible to put a book or put a cup with tea, but carefully: despite the size, the flooring did not differ stability. Fortunately, the modern market offers many variants of more stylish floor lamps.

Lonely low chair

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© Radu Salajan Photographer / Shutterstock

The chair remained from the Soviet times, as a rule, rarely harmoniously fits into the apartment's design, and throw out the well-made furniture hand does not rise. Nevertheless, if this subject still stands in your living room, we advise you to update its appearance or replace it with a more modern version, which is better suited to the room interior.

Patent bedside table

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© Brest88.mail.ru / Depositphotos, © Elis Blanca / Shutterstock

Such vehicles most often sold complete with other furniture. But they can still be seen in many apartments, despite the fact that other furniture has long been replaced by a new one. Is it worth saying that the interior is only suffering from it. You can always update the old bedside table: repaint, paint, apply an interesting decorative coating on the surface. Or just acquire a new one, the benefit of the choice is quite large.


10 details of the Soviet coziness, which only spoil the modern interior 9589_5
© Brest88.mail.ru / Depositphotos © Belchonock / Depositphotos

Of course, we are talking only about those wooden stools that usually painted white or bluish paint. They perfectly performed their function, were light, practical and comfortable. But their appearance leaves much to be desired. They can be updated, for example, as shown here, replace with more modern stools or simple kitchen chairs with a back.

Sewing machine in the drawer

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© Birte / Depositphotos

Such a sewing machine in the case was hidden from whom under the bedspread, who under lace napkins. And someone even sewed a special fabric cover so that the drawer does not look so cumbersome and the room was somewhat. This subject still "decorates" the interiors of some apartments, and this is explained: the machine works. Of course, we will not advise you to throw it away or replace it with a new model. We only offer to find the most suitable place in the house where it will not rush into the eyes and spoil the situation.

Cast iron heating radiator

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© AetB / Depositphotos © Wip-Studio / Shutterstock

These well acquaintances to all batteries were standard in Soviet apartments. Excellent serving not one ten years old, they have at least one indisputable minus - not the most aesthetic appearance. Currently, a lot of models of modern radiators are presented on the market, including bimetallic. They are more convenient, not so bulky, much easier cast iron, and they do not need to be painted every few years.

Outdated switches

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© Somphop KrittayaWoragul / Shutterstock, © Aleksei Golovanov / Shutterstock

The stylish room can be spoiled by such a small nuance as outdated switches or yellowed outlets. Old Soviet models immediately rush to the eyes, especially those people who have been used by them for a long time. It is better to replace them with more suitable switches to your interior, and the result will be noticeable immediately.

Lace napkins

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© Iobann / Shutterstock

Knitted napkins in Soviet apartments laid out literally everywhere, where only you can: on the backs of sofas and chairs, on the interior items, on the shelves and cabinets. But at the moment we understand how much the abundance of such little things takes the situation. And, we honest, they do not adorn housing, but only collect dust. Therefore, the time is the time to look at the room and with a clean conscience, remove these napkins from the eye if they still remain somewhere.

Old wardrobe

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© Brest88.mail.ru / Depositphotos, © Patryk_Kosmider / Depositphotos

Made on conscience, cumbersome and very heavy - so much that still stands in the same place where it was put 40 years ago. Familiar, isn't it? Many mistresses are going to get rid of this object of furniture, and still. But how will the appearance of the bedroom change after the place of the old giant will come new and comfortable! By the way, not to guess with the size of a new cabinet, manufacturers advise add to an accessible space of 10 cm on the side and 8 cm on top - so you definitely do not make mistakes.

And what are you thinking about these elements of the interior?

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