When it is better to wake up a hypipers after the rest period and how to do it? Stimulation of flowering

When it is better to wake up a hypipers after the rest period and how to do it? Stimulation of flowering 9583_1

Hippeastrum - (rendering. Translation - "Star Rider, Kavaler-Star") - a bulbous plant, a perennial from the family of amarylline. It is called royal flower, gentlemen and knightly stars thanks to lush funk-shaped flowers, outwardly similar to huge stars (up to 20 cm in diameter). It is possible to adjust the flowering of a tropical inhabitant, read further.

When is the exotic wake up after wintering and sleeping mode?

Natural Plants - Tropics and subtropics of America. In the natural environment, it can be found on the Amazon coasts, on the Antilles, on the slopes of Peruvian Andes, on the Plateau Mexico. Some varieties prefer shady and sexual wet forests and terrain of South and Northern Brazil.

Given the nature and natural cycle of the exotion, homely hypapeastrum in order to release a powerful color-free seasonal vacation.

In the fall, after a complete dying of leaves and flowers, the flower prepare for the winter:

When it is better to wake up a hypipers after the rest period and how to do it? Stimulation of flowering 9583_2
  • In September, watering is reduced by 2 times, gradually translating the plant in the "standby mode".
  • Stop watering.
  • Crop the yellowed, dried leaves.
  • Install pots with bulbs in a cool dark place.
  • Sometimes the bulbs are digging, dry and stored in darkened rooms, pack in cellophane or paper bags, cardboard boxes.
  • The temperature regime of wintering is 14-15 ° C, air humidity is not more than 50%.
  • Sleep period - 2-3 months.

Awaken exot gradually, after 2 months of rest.

How to get a flower after rest at home?

Often after resting the bulb wakes up myself - the first gentle sprouts are sprinkled. If the flower sleeps, his awakening needs to be stimulated:

  1. The bulbs are lowered into a weak solution of manganese in a weak solution of manganese or into a fungicide solution for tuber processing (a universal drug Maxim) is used.
  2. Inspect the bulbs after the rest - the tuber must be solid, elastic, without rot, the donce is clean, light brown shade.
  3. Crop dry and rotten processes, all brown scales are written (after soaking, they are perfectly cleaned).
  4. They dried, wood ash drink all sections of sections for disinfection.
  5. Fucking ready to hit the pot on almost home.
  6. Neatly placed the tuber in the center in a small deepening, while fragile processes are fragile.
  7. The bulbs are slightly pressed, blocking on 1/3 -1/4 of all growth, but not more than 2/3.
When it is better to wake up a hypipers after the rest period and how to do it? Stimulation of flowering 9583_3
  • Pots are installed in a warm light.
  • Daytime temperature mode - 20-22 ° C, night drops - not lower than 18-19 ° C.
  • Saplings are not watered until it appears by 2-3 cm. Coloros (watering stimulates the growth of leaves).
  • The first watering are moderate until it is strengthened and will not go into the growth of the flower arrow.
  • The feeders are entered in the period of active growth and flowering 2 times a month.
  • It is recommended to alternate the organic (a solution of a cowboy or bird litter) with mineral complexes, feed the mixture of magnesium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate in proportions 1: 1: 3: 2.

The proportions of the substrate for stimulation of growth and distillation of flowers:

  • ferry earth -1 part;
  • Sheet land - 1 part;
  • humus - 2 parts;
  • Large river sand - 1/4 - 1/2 parts;
  • Sand is replaced with perlite or vermiculite;
  • Bone flour or wood ash - up to 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Superphosphate - 1-2 h.;
  • The soil is mixed and moisturized with a pulverizer.

Planting tanks:

  • The pot is small, in size of the bulbs;
  • The norm - from the edge of the tank to the bulbs - 1.5-2 cm;
  • Drainage (ceramzite or crushed stone) is required to the bottom.

Instructions for exaggeration of exot to holidays: What should I do?

Recreation period for hypipestruaster - no less than 9-10 weeks.

When it is better to wake up a hypipers after the rest period and how to do it? Stimulation of flowering 9583_4
  • when processing-stimulation of hot water bulbs (45 ° C), the exot will bloom after 3-4 weeks;
  • If you wake it up at the end of January - early February (pre-Lukovitsa is resting since September), then flowering is expected after 35-40 days.

How to speed up rest period:

  1. To send Hippeastrum to wintering in September, waiting until the flowers are covered.
  2. Pick off a young maritime.
  3. Reducing the dose of irrigation, stop fertilizing the soil.
  4. Move pots into a cool privided place.
  5. To leave the leaves faster than the wishes, they are neatly flex to the soil, after yellowing it is cut.

How to make a fashionable gift yourself - flower in wax?

Although, I must say, on flower forums and sites such a souvenir causes if not a storm of protest, then indignation. Since the likelihood is great, that such a gift is doomed to death, if you do not transplant the bulk in the special substrate on time.

The feature of the decor - the bulb is placed in a wax-ball.

The procedure is simple:

When it is better to wake up a hypipers after the rest period and how to do it? Stimulation of flowering 9583_5
  1. Remove the plant after flowering.
  2. Crop the above-ground part.
  3. The tuber is sent to a mortar of manganese or any fungicide for 10-15 minutes.
  4. The bulb is dried, cut roots.
  5. The wax candle or paraffin melts on a slow fire or water bath.
  6. In a hot (but not boiling), the mixture is immersed by a bulb for a few seconds.
  7. After the first layer, the second is also superimposed.
  8. Manipulation continues to the desired ball of the ball.
  9. The finished blank is placed in decorative glass, transparent container.
  10. Decorate the surface with artificial snow, decorative elements-figures (as far as fantasy enough).

After a while, the bulb will release one or more flowerons. You do not need to water and care for the wax composition.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that bright colorful guiphastrums, despite the origin and magnifier, is absolutely not a whimsical and not problemful tropical exot. Its main advantage and application - the culture of reversing, flowering can be planned, adjust and stimulated.

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