Apple voluntarily encouraged accessories and periphery suppliers with new terms of payment and cooperation


The Telegraph Edition reports that Apple's partners who are responsible for supplying their products to apple company stores were suddenly forced to adopt new working conditions with Apple. And these companies are fighting that new conditions are not the result of successful negotiations, but a simple "clamping" from Apple. And the guys do nothing with this and can not. Therefore, I had to agree.

Probably it is worth clarifying that Apple sells not only products of its own production in its corporate stores, but also a large number of all accessories for everything in a row, periphery and so on. Just here are the manufacturers of third-party products approved by Apple, and have come under the new working conditions with the Apple Store.

And the point is that now suppliers will wait 60 days after the order is fulfilled, and only then they will be paid. Previously, this period was 45 days, which is also not so little. To this, add that now companies will receive money only after the goods are sold, and not from the moment it was received by Apple. Optimization of expenses, you know. So it works.

Apple voluntarily encouraged accessories and periphery suppliers with new terms of payment and cooperation 9582_1
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Suppliers, in turn, suggest that before Apple could have been discussed and somehow agree on more loyal solutions in their direction. But now Apple has decided that nothing will be discussed, and new rules are installed and no one will do anything about it. But now all suppliers are in the same conditions. So it seems to be honest and correct.

And one of the companies that are presented in the Apple Store also announced that Apple does not help to suppliers and partners, if any problems happen to the money. What does it mean - the question is interesting. No one to explain this saying for some reason.

Of course, all these companies cannot be called wells that have selected the last crumbs and they will now suffer. It's all right on the contrary, and no one is going to break contracts with Apple, because apple company stores are one of the best places where you can sell anything at all.

In principle, nothing terrible and did not happen. If you look at all the same, but on the territory of Russia, then large networks are exhibiting the terms of payment on time to 90 days, as a rule. And this is also not discussed and not regulated. Everything in the contract is not subject to change.

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