Jumeirah Study: Children's Food Trends

Jumeirah Study: Children's Food Trends 9570_1
Jumeirah Study: Children's Food Trends on PRSPB Rest

According to the survey, 77% of parents believe that in hotels it is necessary to provide more healthy options for the children's menu, and 79% stated that a variety of dishes for children will improve their overall impression of rest. As a result of the study of the ex-director of the Red Guide, Michelin and the international chain of hotels Jumeirah created an innovative culinary concept - "Theater in a plate". The next trends show that the generation X and Z make a choice in favor of high-quality authentic service in any field, changing business strategy. Jumeirah decided to find out how these generations belong to the nutrition of their children, holding a global survey of more than 5,500 parents.

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Jumeirah Study: Children's Food Trends on PRSPB Rest
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Jumeirah Study: Children's Food Trends on PRSPB Rest

The study showed that the top three in the world's most popular products for small travelers includes pizza (44%), nuggets (35%) and Potato Fri (32%). Nevertheless, more than half (58%) of parents from Russia clarified that they make efforts to eat something nutritious and useful. So, 53% of parents try to submit a personal example and choose the right dishes for themselves, and 40% stimulate children to eat more healthy food through restrictions - first vegetables, then dessert.

In front of Jumeirah experts stood a difficult task - to develop a variety of, interesting, but useful and familiar to children nutrition with excellent taste qualities and appetizing visual feed. After studying the preferences of children and parents of parents, the former director of the Red Guide, Michael Michael Ellis and the international hotel chain, combined efforts and created an innovative culinary concept - Foodiekids. Children of different ages and different countries also participated in creating a new menu.

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Jumeirah Study: Children's Food Trends on PRSPB Rest

The main culinary director of Jumeirah Group Michael Ellis comments: "Make the right nutrition to the interesting child - real. We investigated many different options for dishes and innings, and offered our biggest critics - children, give their verdict. They love to feel involved in the process and we presented them a number of dishes that turn the usual lunch into the game or theater in a plate. Salad "Collect himself", alphabetical soup, "lollipops" from Mozarella, interesting fruit desserts - a small part of our menu. When a child is passionate about, he does not notice how vegetables, fruits, whole-grain flour dishes with a minimum content of salt and sugar burst with appetite. Our Foodiekids project not only responds to parents' requests, but also makes every female reception with a fascinating culinary journey. "

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