Why doesn't it look realistic? 4 fact about the origin of the heart symbol


At least once in life, every person wonders why the drew the heart or a drop is not like a present. We decided to figure out, what is the reason for this inconsistency, which has developed historically.

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Origins in ancient Greece

The first signs of the heart were found on ancient Greek dishes, which dated 3 thousand years before our era. But this did not mean that they had a love drink. It's rather a reference to God of Winemail Dionysus. Evergreen leaves of ivy, which were a symbol of Dionysus, very similar to the shape of the heart. Given that the dishes with wine were sold throughout the Mediterranean, there is nothing surprising in positive associations with this symbol.

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Photo: GreekRoman.ru.

Antique contraceptive

But the wine does not explain anyway, and the love and heart here. Another progenitor of this symbol could become an extinct plant of sylimphi. His open pods were designated like a heart symbol. In antique medicine, this plant was used everywhere: they were treated with cuts, sore throat and even wounds from poisonous arrows.

But Salphia was especially popular as a contraceptive. It was made in cities, in the vicinity of which grew this plant. Therefore, in the Mediterranean, the symbol of the heart was associated with contraception and was much more popular for a realistic picture.

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Photo: Salik.biz

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition prohibited the autopsy of a person and the study of anatomy. Any realistic images were considered mortal sin. Scientists did everything in order to somehow bypass bans, so they began to portray the heart as a leaf that feeds our body with blood.

And in the novel of the 13th century "Le Roman De La Poire" Tibo de the unfortunate on one of the illustrations of a man gave his heart to the girl. It looked like a pear. At the same time, this symbol appeared on Danish coat of arms. Increasingly, he began to demonstrate in the symbolism of noble families, and by the 15th century already began to look like a modern version.

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Photo: Twitter pythika

What is the result?

With the development of science after the inquisition, realistic images of the heart stopped being banned. But his drawn version has already gained such popularity that continued to exist in itself.

In addition, in the XIX century, the church holiday of the Holy Heart of Jesus, created by the vision of the nun for two centuries before that. Also, a considerable contribution made the spread of playing cards in Europe with their worm.

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